October 6, 2024

Fox & Friends’ Will Cain Defends Not Wearing a Mask: ‘Americans Are Not Going to Follow Guidance No Matter How Sensible’

Will Cain #WillCain

Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Will Cain argued why he would ignore mask-wearing guidelines following holiday travel, and explained “Americans are not going to follow guidance no matter how sensible it might be,” because of “an individual spirit.”

The rather bizarre and irresponsible comment made by on widely influential and top-rated morning show host came during a brief and very civil debate over mask-wearing on Monday morning. It’s noteworthy because it lies at the heart of the current spike of Covid-19 infections in the United States and why some individuals are still unwilling to follow any well-informed advice to help abate the spread and keep Americans healthy and business open.

Over the weekend, Dr. Deborah Birx noted that anyone who traveled outside of one’s normal bubble should behave as though they have the coronavirus. This was mentioned on-air by co-host Steve Doocy, who followed by noting how Birx also advised these people to get a test within a week if they were out and about and traveled this week.

“And if you are in your house around your family members, you should probably wear a mask, so you don’t infect your family,” Doocy explained Birx’s comments.

Will Cain, filling in for Brian Kilmeade, followed up on the notion of wearing a mask with his family.

“I’m not ready to start wearing a mask around my family,” the Fox & Friends Weekend co-host chimed in. “I don’t know what we will call it, individual spirit, but I’m not going to be putting on a mask around my family on any.

Doocy immediately and quite responsibly interrupted, explaining to Cain what Birx was saying. “Think about that you go out at grandma’s house and you come home, and Dr. Birx says if you have in your community people over 65, you have got to protect them.” He added, “You would hate to have somebody my age give to somebody a little older or vice versa, whereas they are just saying just be safe.”

Co-host Ainsley Earhardt followed by ostensibly agreeing with Doocy and pivoting to why wearing masks also help the small business really hurt by a cratered U.S. economy.

Cain eventually explained that his “point about the masks was somewhat light-hearted” and that “everyone is trying to be safe,” before explaining perhaps why the U.S.  per capita infection rate is higher than any other nation in the world.

“What’s going to happen with policy-makers at some point they are going to have to realize? Americans are not going to follow guidance no matter how sensible it might be,” Cain explained, apparently confusing policy with guidance. “There is an individual spirit.”

“We don’t like to be told what to do,” Doocy politely and responsibly interjected, adding, “At the same time, it’s one of those things, a crazy time in personal history where we don’t quite understand how easy it is to get.”

Over 260,000 Americans have succumbed to the potentially deadly Covid-19 contagion, in part due to the “independent spirit” that has kept Americans from following well-informed and reasonable guidelines.

Watch above via Fox News.

The post Fox & Friends’ Will Cain Defends Not Wearing a Mask: ‘Americans Are Not Going to Follow Guidance No Matter How Sensible’ first appeared on Mediaite.

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