Fort Worth Crash Leaves Five Dead in Massive Pileup
Fort Worth #FortWorth

At least five people were killed and dozens more were rushed to hospitals after a massive pileup on a Fort Worth, Texas, freeway.
The crash, involving an estimated 70 to 100 vehicles or more, according to police, occurred around 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning, on an unusually cold day, when roadways were icy. Daniel Segura, a Fort Worth police officer, confirmed the fatalities and said first responders are still trying to get others to safety.
“We still have a very active scene,” Mr. Segura said.
It shut down Interstate 35 north of downtown Fort Worth.
Some people possibly were still trapped in their cars, hours after the crash, authorities said. They said they tried to contact everyone they could find, but were still doing a second sweep, amid many heavily smashed vehicles, at a scene that extended over a mile.