March 28, 2025

Foreign countries send billions of dollars to top US Universities: ‘Not a surprise we’re seeing anti-Israel protests on college campuses’

Giordano #Giordano

WASHINGTON (TND) — Arabic countries have given at least $8 billion to elite and Ivy League universities in America over the past few decades.

Reports show Cornell University received $1.5 billion, Georgetown University received $748 million, Northwestern University received more than $586 million and Harvard University received over $187 million. These are just a few that reported the gifts and contracts.

Professor of Political Science at Suffolk Community College Nicholas Giordano joined The National Desk’s Jan Jeffcoat to discuss the issue.

“When you’re talking about tens of billions of dollars, transferring hands from foreign governments over to the United States, there’s little doubt that this money is designed to buy influence,” he said. “There has to be strings attached and that’s what we think is going on, particularly on campuses in some of these countries.”

The American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise reports Qatar as the largest funder with more than $4 billion followed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. The same report states there are billions still not reported because of lack of compliance with the largest share coming from Qatar.

When the former Hamas terrorist leader called for a global global day of jihad and for Muslims to support Palestine. That statement was issued from Qatar.

‘If you look at Carnegie Mellon, George Washington University, they actually have campuses in Qatar, and we know that Qatar is a country that’s against open and free exchange of ideas and expression. So what is being taught to students on these campuses?” Giordano said. “Unfortunately, we’re seeing some anti-Israel, anti-semitic propaganda that’s being pushed to the student body. It’s not a surprise that we’re seeing these anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protests on college campuses throughout the country. “

In 2020, the Department of Education published a report that found some of the foreign funding were from enemy countries that were “targeting their investments to project soft power steal sensitive and proprietary research and spread propaganda.” There is very real reasons for concern that foreign money buys influence or control over teaching and research.

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