January 25, 2025

First-time paedophiles could get a life sentence

David Blunkett #DavidBlunkett


Paedophiles and other dangerous sex offenders could get ‘one-strike-and-you’re-out’ life sentences to keep them off the streets for ever under laws being considered by David Blunkett.

The move is a response to growing concern about soft sentencing for paedophiles, highlighted by the case of Roy Whiting.

Whiting was jailed for life for murdering eight-year-old Sarah Payne.

But at his trial it emerged he had served four years for sexually assaulting a schoolgirl five years before he killed Sarah.

The Home Secretary is drawing up plans to force judges to jail paedophiles and other sex attackers for life after their first offence if psychiatrists say there is a ‘clear risk’ they will commit more sex crimes.

The move could embroil Mr Blunkett in a row with judges, who hate being told what to do by politicians.

At the moment a life term is compulsory for murder but only an option for rape and kidnapping.

A life sentence can only be imposed if the offence is judged to be at the most serious end of the scale, regardless of whether the criminal is considered a danger to society.

Junior Home Office Minister Keith Bradley has revealed the department is considering making a life sentence a requirement ‘if the professional evidence shows that there is a clear risk that the offender will commit further sex offences’.

Research has shown most perverts begin their offending ‘careers’ with lower level crimes before graduating to more serious attacks.

The new rule would allow courts to crack down on paedophiles early on.

They could be held behind bars until they were regarded as safe for release or be locked up until they die.

In another move to keep paedophiles off the streets, Mr Blunkett is planning to end the system of automatic early release from jail.

Proposed laws would allow prisons to lock up sex offenders until the end of the term imposed by their trial judge.

They would also be supervised for long periods after being let out.

The Payne family’s constituency MP welcomed the plans.

Ian Taylor, Tory member for Esher and Walton, Surrey, said: ‘Many serious sex offenders will never respond to treatment and this means they can now be detained indefinitely.’

He said he would pass on news of the plans to Sarah’s family.

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