January 24, 2025

Fighting back: DuBois Relay For Life to be held July 23

Dubois #Dubois

DuBOIS — One in three Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life gives everyone the opportunity to fight back and to make a difference in the battle against cancer.

The Relay For Life of DuBois will take place on Saturday, July 23 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the DuBois City Park, according to Relay Event Lead Eva McKee.

“The event is open to all of the community to stop over and enjoy the event with us,” said McKee. “Bring your lawn chair and stay for the day. There will be free entertainment all day long.”

Relay For Life teams, formed by businesses, clubs, families, friends, hospitals, churches, schools and service organizations, will be selling raffles, food and beverages.

McKee said there will be a dunking booth, a kids’ duck pond, an onsite scavenger hunt, and the Pennsylvania Army National Guard will challenge area residents with a 30-foot climbing wall.

McKee said the climbing wall will be on site all day. It is free for people to climb but there will be a donation bucket to benefit the Relay For Life.

Another family attraction will be the Invictus Throwing Range, a recreational weapon throwing business, supplying a variety of axes, machetes, tomahawks, knives, spears and throwing stars. There is no fee to be a ninja warrior from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. although a donation bucket benefiting the Relay will also be available.

The Luminaria Ceremony is a beautiful way to remember or honor loved ones who have fought or are fighting cancer, said McKee.

Luminaries will be on sale the day of the event up to 7 p.m. However, luminaries may also be purchased in advance so that a loved one can be recognized on the slide show that will play all day at the Relay, she said. To purchase, contact any member of the Relay or call Jamie Donaldson at 814-577-1756 or Catherine Kysor at 814-541-0081 or McKee at 814-577-5924 or the local ACS office at 814-762-6204. Suggested donation is $5 per luminary. Luminary service will take place at 9 p.m.

“We are trying to bring back something for the survivors this year,” said McKee. “We will be hosting a cake and ice cream social for cancer survivors and one caregiver at Pavilion B in the park at from 6-6:30 p.m.”

The Relay committee members ask that persons pre-register no later than July 18 so that they can prepare for the event. Please call the ACS office at 814-762-6204. The Survivor Lap will take place at 6:45 p.m. Line up will start at 6:40 p.m. beside the stage.

There will be a variety of vendors at the Relay this year, said McKee, noting it will include the following: Shaved ice, lemonade, wooden items, T-shirts, etched glass, MaryKay, Colorstreet, Norwex, tumblers, soaps, jewelry, primitive decor and more.

This year, the Relay For Life has 10 teams registered and the goal is $50,000, said McKee. As of July 1, they have raised more than $44,000.

“We have held many fundraisers all year long and received a great number of sponsorships to be at this much money raised,” said McKee.

Some of the fundraisers included the Car Cruzin’ last September. This year’s Car Cruzin’ will be held on Sept. 24. Other fundraisers were: Egg My Yard, which will return in 2023, an online auction that was held in May and will be back in 2023, hoagie fundraisers, bingo (the next one is scheduled for Aug. 14 at the Brady Township Community Center), Luigi’s gift card fundraiser, and vendor shows –with one scheduled for Nov. 5 at the DuBois Mall. Santa letters will take place again in November and December, Daffodil sales, candy apple sales, and others.

“Cancer never stops and neither do we Relayers,” said McKee. “It is a year-round event of fundraising and organizing this for the next year’s event.”

McKee noted that the Relay has changed over the years, like so many other things.

“We used to be a 24-hour event and we are down to doing a 12-hour event,” she said. “We used to walk the track all day and night and now our teams are so small that we don’t require that someone walk laps all day. The number of teams is down and that is why we open the event up to vendors/crafters now to help with filling the park. We use to have 30-plus teams that helped raise money and be at the event. Many Relays are doing 4- and 5-hour events and we are trying hard to keep our Relay the same as much as we can.”

Anyone who would like to get involved in the Relay For Life or would like more information are asked to contact McKee at 814-577-5924 or 814-236-2327 or Susan Babik at 814-594-0891.

“We are always looking for Relay teams and volunteers to help out,” McKee said. “As I tell everyone it depends on how much time you want to give on what you can help us with. But if you have the desire to help, we can find something for you to do. Relay meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at the Best Western Conference Center in DuBois.

“I want to thank the community for all of the support you have given to the Relay For Life this past year and look forward to the continued support,” she said. “As I say all of the time, we live in an awesome community and we cannot do what we do without your support. You are always there for us no matter what.”

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