September 21, 2024

Fauci Says Retirement Timing “Not At All” About Avoiding GOP Investigation: “I Have Nothing To Hide”

Fauci #Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, 81, did a media triathlon of sorts this morning, appearing on Fox News, CNN and NPR to talk about his announcement yesterday that he would retire in December as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and also Chief Medical Advisor to the president. He was also on MSNBC last night.

One hot topic: His reaction to the prospect of a new, Republican-led House launching an investigation into his actions in regard to the Covid pandemic.

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Republican Rep. Neal Dunn of Florida tweeted tweeted yesterday, “Make no mistake, his resignation WILL NOT stop us from investigating his role & the origins of the #COVID19 pandemic.”

Fauci’s frequent Capitol Hill sparring partner, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, tweeted a promise to push his Wuhan Lab Theory inquiry: “Fauci’s resignation will not prevent a full-throated investigation into the origins of the pandemic. He will be asked to testify under oath regarding any discussions he participated in concerning the lab leak.”

Fox’s Neil Cavuto asked Fauci point blank this morning, “This wasn’t a way to avoid Republican investigations if they take over the House and/or the Senate [was it]?”

The NIAID director was adamant.

“Not at all. Not even a little bit,” he replied. “I mean, I have nothing to hide and I can defend every decision I have made, so I’m not afraid of that at all. That didn’t even come in as a minor consideration.”

Cavuto followed up by asking Fauci if he would consider testifying as a private citizen.

“Yeah, of course, Neil,” he said. “I believe that oversight is an important part of the government process, but some of the things that have gone on have been outright character assassination. That’s not oversight. So if they want to get into legitimate, dignified oversight, I’d be happy to do that.”

Story continues

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