Facing rising need, San Antonio Food Bank looks to Saturday event to boost donations
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Courtesy / San Antonio Food Bank
U.S. Postal Service letter carriers will be collect nonperishable food items Saturday, May 13
The San Antonio Food Bank is under stress going into summer, typically its busiest time of the year.
In the first quarter, its the Food Bank’s requests for assistance grew 38%, while supplies of shelf-stable food have declined dramatically. Some 17,000 additional households requested food from February through March, according to Food Bank Chief Development Officer Michael Guerra.
“Food donations are down compared to [the prior year],” Guerra said. “Particularly with commodities from the USDA being down 50% compared to this time last year.”
Even so, the nonprofit hopes to boost its food inventory through its participation in Stamp Out Hunger, a national, one-day food drive conducted by the U.S. Postal Service. Letter carriers will pick up nonperishable food left at a residents’ mailboxes — both personal or communal — during their rounds this Saturday.
“This Saturday’s Stamp Out Hunger food drive can be a huge boost in securing shelf-stable, nonperishable food items for families facing hunger,” Guerra said.
Those wishing to donate should use put food items in the blue plastic bag delivered in last week’s mail or in any handbag, Food Bank officials said. Subscribe to SA Current newsletters.
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