September 20, 2024

Faces off the Field: Sophia Griego, junior guard, Vandegrift

Sophia #Sophia

a man holding a basketball: Sophia Griego takes a shot for Vandegrift. Vandegrift won a district girls basketball game at Round Rock 59-48 on December 19, 2020. © Henry Huey for Statesman Sophia Griego takes a shot for Vandegrift. Vandegrift won a district girls basketball game at Round Rock 59-48 on December 19, 2020.

When you were younger did you try other sports or were just hooked on basketball?

I played soccer until third grade and then tried basketball. I grew a strong passion for the sport. It wasn’t until seventh grade that I knew I wanted to play basketball in college.

What has been your favorite high school basketball memory?

My favorite memory as a team in high school was when our team won against our rivals Cedar Park in a tournament.

What do you consider the biggest change this year?

I think the biggest change this year was getting to play against tougher competition because this was my first year on varsity.

What is a bigger challenge for you: keeping up with basketball or your school work?

I would say there was an even split between keeping up with both because I have to maintain my skill level in basketball and grades in school.

Has basketball taught you any lessons you apply to daily life?

Basketball has taught me to be more vocal and has been a great opportunity for me to meet new people and work as a team.

If you could have dinner with four people in the history of the world, who would they be?

Kobe Bryant, Barack Obama, Albert Einstein and Tim Tebow.

Why did you choose Kobe?

I chose Kobe Bryant because he was a very talented basketball player and I would love to get advice from him.

Do you have plans after you graduate?

I would love to play basketball in college when I graduate.

Tell me something about you most people don’t know.

I’m a big Florida Gator fan.

What do you consider the world’s greatest invention?

Cars. I can’t go anywhere without one.

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?

I would love to go to the Maldives because I love the beach and it would be a great vacation.

Rick Cantu

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Faces off the Field: Sophia Griego, junior guard, Vandegrift

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