September 20, 2024

Eric Trump’s ‘Tinfoil Hat-Wearing’ Claims Get The Treatment On Twitter


Eric Trump was widely mocked Friday on Twitter for accusing Democrats of trying to “destroy” Christianity, families and children before adding that he is not a “tinfoil hat-wearing guy.”

“It’s unthinkable what these people are doing to this nation,” former President Donald Trump’s son bombastically declared at a right-wing, pro-Trump “ReAwaken America” event in Branson, Missouri, earlier that day.

“The way they want to destroy Christianity, the way they want to destroy our families, the way they’re destroying our children, the way they’re destroying our history, the way they’re rewriting our textbooks — guys, this is a cognizant war in this country,” he continued.

“I’m not like the tinfoil hat-wearing guy,” he added. “But if anybody thinks that they’re not weaponizing every single one of these systems — there’s only one party that’s weaponizing the systems.”

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