Eid Mubarak! How to say Happy Eid 2022, best Eid ul Fitr wishes and how to reply
Eid Mubarak #EidMubarak

© Amazon A colourful card from Amazon shows the classic greeting for Eid ul Fitr
Muslims in Birmingham and around the world are beginning their prayers and celebrations for Eid ul Fitr 2022. Also written as Eid al-Fitr, it means ‘festival of breaking the fast’ and takes place when Ramadan ends, signalling that the daily fasting is over and the next month (Shawwal) begins.
Saudi Arabia announced that Eid ul Fitr festivities will start on Monday, May 2, along with a number of other countries. For others, though, Eid already started on Sunday, May 1, or won’t be until Tuesday, May 3. The festivities normally last for three days.
Green Lane Masjid and Community Centre (GLMCC) in Birmingham follows the announcements from Saudi Arabia and has also declared that its Eid events will be held on May 2. One will be at Small Heath Park and the other at Edgbaston Stadium.
READ MORE: Follow all the latest updates in our Eid 2022 live blog here
Dates of Eid and other Islamic months and events can vary by a day or so depending on moon-sighting announcements from different locations. Some communities follow the Saudi news, others look for confirmation in Morocco, the UK, or other countries. So how do you wish your neighbours or friends a Happy Eid and what can be said as a reply?
How to say Happy Eid – best messages and wishes
Muslims usually wish each other ‘Eid Mubarak’ after saying the Eid prayer, and may also hug each other three times.
Eid is a word for a festival or celebration, while mubarak means blessed. So to say Eid Mubarak means Happy Eid, or have a blessed holiday.
Eid Mubarak may be said at the end of a fuller greeting. For instance:
– “May the blessings of Allah fill your life with happiness and open all the doors of success now and always. Eid Mubarak!”
– “May God give you happiness of heaven above. Happy Eid Mubarak To You All.”
– “May this special day bring peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone. Eid Mubarak!”
– “May Allah blessings be with you today, tomorrow and always. Eid Mubarak!”
How to reply to Eid Mubarak
If someone says Eid Mubarak to you, it is polite to respond by saying Khair Mubarak. The word khair means goodness and so this wishes good will on the person who greeted you.
You could also say Jazak Allah Khair which translates as ‘May Allah reward you with goodness.’
Eid gifts
While Eid is all about festivities, celebration, getting together with the family and enjoying some delectable dishes, another important aspect is sharing love with your family and friends, in the form of Eid gifts or ‘Eidi’.
Not sorted out an Eid gift yet? For grandparents, you could thank them for always being there and make their Eid special by giving them a bouquet of flowers along with a set of aromatic candles.
For children, Eidi is a completely different ball game. Usually sweets, chocolates and money are given to kids; however, some parents want to find presents that educate youngsters as well as keeping them entertained.
Mother-of-two Tasneem Tavawalla said: “My kids are young and I want to keep their mind active, so I am always on the lookout for games and toys that stimulate their minds as well as keep them entertained. For me, Arabic puzzles and Play-Doh are the perfect mix of entertainment and education for the kids.” For smaller children, cuddly toys are ideal.
For close family members and friends, jewellery is popular. Or get a halal cosmetic gift set for mum, who has been preparing all the meals throughout Ramadan, and a beard grooming kit for dad. For friends, relatives and neighbours, opt for sweet treats and chocolate selection boxes – this is also known as Sweet Eid after all, so it’s a perfect time for sugary indulgences.
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