September 20, 2024

Drivers turned away from Derbyshire tourist spot as police issue fines to those breaking lockdown rules

Derbyshire #Derbyshire

Since the third national lockdown was enforced earlier this week in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus, police in Derbyshire have fined four people in the area for breaking coronavirus restrictions.

The measures, which only permit people to leave their home for essential journeys and emergencies, are now legally enforceable, meaning police can hit rule-breakers with fines.

Police were reportedly seen turning motorists away at a vehicle checkpoint at the National Trust’s Calke Abbey, Ticknall, yesterday (January 7).

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There were also claims that officers in Derbyshire were issuing tickets for Covid-19 breaches by taking note of vehicle registration numbers.

Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit issued a fine to a driver for breaching coronavirus lockdown measures on the A38 in Coxbench, Derby today (January 8).

The motorist who was driving a Corsa, broke down in a live lane on the road after travelling into the county from Telford to collect some bicycle pedals – but was swiftly turned away by officers.

Police issued another fine for breaking lockdown rules to another driver in Derby yesterday, who also had an expired MOT.

A driver and passenger who were ‘out for a drive’ doing a loop of the city centre were also hit with two tickets for breaching Covid-19 regulations on January 5.

Officers said in a post on Twitter that the travellers then changed their mind ‘to say they are out buying ringworm medication’ but both were still fined.

It comes after the news that police had dished out more than 30,000 fines for people breaking Covid-19 laws since they first came into force last year.

The National Police Chiefs Council published data today (Friday, January 8) which revealed that a total of 32,329 fixed penalty notices (FPN) had been handed out by forces in England and Wales from March 27 and December 21, 2020.

According to the report, there has allegedly has been a downward trend in FPNs recently, following a rise in fines as restrictions were tightened from September of last year in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus.

In these confusing and worrying times, local journalism is more vital than ever. Thanks to everyone who helps us ask the questions that matter by taking out a subscription or buying a paper. We stand together. Nancy Fielder, editor.

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