Dragon Ball FighterZ Ultra Instinct Goku Trailer Shows Him In Perfect Harmony

With Ultra Instinct Goku hitting Dragon Ball FighterZ this Friday, May 22, publisher Bandai Namco has released a new launch trailer for the latest DLC character and seventh iteration of Goku.
The new trailer isn’t too dissimilar from the one shared earlier this month. However, it does feature some more dynamic camera angles showing off UI Goku in all of his harmonious glory. In the trailer, below, we see Goku battling against newcomer Kefla in his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form before transforming into his Ultra Instinct mode. After a deadly, point-blank Kamehameha in Kefla’s face, UI Goku goes on to fight Jiren using many of the abilities shown in his release date trailer, such as counterattacks and teleports.
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Now Playing: Dragon Ball FighterZ – Ultra Instinct Goku Launch Trailer
Both Kefla and UI Goku are part of DBFZ’s FighterZ Pass 3, which retails for $20 on all platforms. The DLC bundle will include three more fighters as well, though developer Arc System Works has yet to reveal who they are. And of course, each character can be purchased individually for $5.
DBFZ has secured a spot on the Evo 2020 tournament list, alongside other ArcSys titles like Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r], and Skullgirls: Encore. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, however, the event’s organizers have shifted the tournament to an online format, which has resulted in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate getting cut from the lineup.
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