Don’t let Halloween lead to nightmare at the dentist’s office | THE MOM STOP
Halloween #Halloween

Lydia Seabol Avant. [Staff file photo/The Tuscaloosa News]
My sister and I always joke that we got the “bad teeth” genes.
It seems like no matter how often we brush or floss, despite the fact that I go to the dentist twice a year religiously for cleanings and floss regularly — despite the fact that my sister is actually married to a dentist — we’ve got “bad” teeth.
During a recent X-ray scan of my teeth, my mouth seemingly lit up like a Christmas tree in the image, reflecting all the crowns I have in my mouth. I don’t splurge on much, but when it comes to dental work, my mouth hasn’t been cheap.
Perhaps it is because I’ve always had a sweet tooth and our dad would often get us whatever candy or soda we wanted on weekends with him when we were kids. Perhaps it’s because of all the sweet tea I drank in college at the sorority house.
There was one year in college when I came home to visit the dentist and had nine cavities all at once. I had been brushing my teeth, but with a diet that included a heavy consumption of Coca-Cola and very sweet iced tea, I was bound to have a few cavities. Or maybe it is because of genetics. Our dad had “bad” teeth regardless of how well he took care of his teeth. My sister and I seemingly have followed suit.
I had hoped that my three kids would take after their dad, who rarely has any dental issues. But it was during a recent dentist visit that my 13-year-old daughter broke my cavity record from college. I knew the news was bad when the dentist had to step out of the examining room to put together a “treatment plan.” It could be all done in one visit, he explained, but it would take “hours,” he told us. Instead, it would be best to break it up over three visits, he said.
“How many cavities are we talking about?” I asked.
His reply: 12.
My kids brush their teeth faithfully, twice a day. But like a lot of other teens, my oldest daughter drinks sodas and likes to snack in the evenings, especially before bed. I’m really not sure whether she actually brushes her teeth again after those bedtime snacks.
Story continues
And so it seems the “bad teeth genes” could have been passed down. But regardless if you’ve got a long family history of dental issues or if you’ve never had a cavity, it’s always a good idea to make sure your kids are practicing good dental hygiene, especially when they may be consuming a lot of sugary sweets, like after Halloween.
Here are some dental hygiene tips from
⋅ Toothbrushing: As soon as your child has a tooth, you should help your child brush her teeth twice a day with a smear of fluoride toothpaste on a child-sized toothbrush that has soft bristles. Even as children get older, make sure you supervise them to ensure they are brushing their teeth well and flossing.
· Limit sugar. Your child’s diet plays a key role in dental health. The longer and more frequently your child’s teeth are exposed to sugar, the greater the risk of cavities. “Sticky sugar” foods such as caramel, toffee, gum and dried fruit — could do serious damage.
⋅ Dental checkups. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommend that all children see a pediatric dentist by their first birthday. As part of the dental checkup, the dentist will make sure all teeth are developing normally and that there are no dental problems. They also may apply a topical fluoride solution to provide extra protection against cavities. It’s important that children and adults visit their dentist regularly for cleanings.
Lydia Seabol Avant writes The Mom Stop for The Tuscaloosa News. Reach her at
This article originally appeared on The Tuscaloosa News: Don’t let Halloween lead to dentist office nightmare | THE MOM STOP