September 20, 2024

Doha’s first “mega club” opens as World Cup fans descend on Qatar

Qatar #Qatar

News Agency


Doha gets its first “mega club” just as the world flocks to Qatar for the start of the World Cup.

News Agency Doha’s first “mega club” opens as World Cup fans descend on Qatar 米国株、景気懸念で急反落 ダウ1164ドル安(字幕・19日) Investors wanted a ‘blowout’ from banks -CIO 500 mln Facebook users’ data may be leaked Haiti: Wütende Proteste gegen Korruption Barcelona sack coach Koeman after poor run of results Frage nach erkrankten Kindern BMW profits from higher prices, EV sales استقالة رئيس كوسوفو بعد قبول المحكمة لائحة اتهامه بارتكاب جرائم حرب 大雪に唸るアメリカバイソン 米野生公園(字幕・17日) Senegal fans erupt in Dakar as side takes first Africa Cup Face the issue: artist makes portraits from oil kegs Iran protesters say set fire to Khomeini’s home Schweden: Sabotage war Grund für Nord-Stream-Explosionen Nord Stream leak confirmed as sabotage: Sweden Alcohol off the menu at Qatar World Cup stadiums Qatar’s coastal Al Khor prepares to host the opening match of the World Cup Diplomatic cars at missile strike site in Poland Iran close ranks amid uncomfortable questions on solidarity with women Spirit of the Euros still present for the Danes says coach Volunteers step up to feed Congo’s displaced kids


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