September 19, 2024

DNC snubs Tulsi Gabbard in break from tradition

Tulsi #Tulsi

Seven candidates won at least one pledged delegate in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries.

Six gave speeches at the virtual convention this week; the seventh was Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

Ms. Gabbard said Thursday evening that the convention snubbed her, contrary to the longstanding custom for unsuccessful presidential contenders.

“You’re correct – I was not invited to participate in any way,” she wrote in response to a Twitter user who noted the discrepancy.

CNN’s Jake Tapper added on Twitter that, according to an interview with Ms. Gabbard “she was not told why.”

The user whom Ms. Gabbard retweeted gave one possible explanation for the snub.

“Although I doubt she would have accepted, the lack of invitation once again exposes the blatant DNC bias and Hillary Clinton proxies that have pursued Tulsi this entire time,” wrote “@KeinanAlejo.”

Mrs. Clinton had called Ms. Gabbard a “Russian asset.”

Eventual vice presidential nominee Kamala D. Harris, whose record as a prosecutor Ms. Gabbard famously eviscerated during one debate, called her an “apologist” for Syrian dictator Bashar Assad.

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