Disney+ finally has a porg avatar, happy May The Fourth or whatever
May the Fourth #MaytheFourth

Screenshot: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (YouTube)
Yes, it’s Star Wars Day, May The Fourth be with you, etc. etc. Here’s the important news: Disney+ finally added a goddamn porg avatar. It’s literally the only avatar any sensible dweeb wanted on that streaming doohickey, and yet somehow—probably because of some spiteful mid-level guy named, like, Dan or Greg or whatever—porgs were not an option. Oh, but sure, you can have that snaggletoothed snowman from Frozen, or the evil queen from Alice In Wonderland—who even wants those?!?! Someone at Disney+ clearly needs to get his priorities in order (DAN) because these avatar choices were, up until today, total nonsense.
Disney+ also released a handful of other Star Wars avatars, like Jabba The Hutt and Darth Maul, but porgs are the real sign of progress here. We would even argue that the porgs aren’t quite enough—they’re just a step in the right direction. There is one Star Wars avatar that is sorely missing, and its absence is truly an affront to the fandom. Now, we can’t speak for everyone in #StarWarsNation, but we feel compelled to call out Disney+ for its refusal to include a Watto avatar. On this, the holiest day in Star Wars fandom, Disney+ comes to us with new avatars from a galaxy far, far away, and has the nerve to exclude Watto.
We will not rest until there is #JusticeForWatto.