October 6, 2024

Del. Teresa E. Reilly: These are my legislative priorities in the 2024 session | COMMENTARY

Reilly #Reilly

The 446th legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly is underway in Annapolis. As we move forward, my focus as always, is to get laws enacted that I believe will most benefit my constituents by sponsoring, co-sponsoring, or supporting legislation that supports families, provides quality education for our children, lowers taxes, promotes business growth, fosters workforce development, and protects and enhances our personal rights. I remain committed to legislating with the health, safety, and well-being of all Marylanders, including our children, in mind.

This week has seen both the Senate and House reach bill introduction deadlines, and we are beginning to see some of the legislation that has been submitted by the legislators. I would like to bring a few of the bills to your attention, and let you know that I will be paying close attention to them during the session. Following are the three bills that I will be sponsoring this session.

School Psychologist Recruitment Program: Establishes a School Psychologist Recruitment Program within the Maryland Department of Education. The program would provide for professional development training and encourage interested individuals to pursue careers in school psychology. It would also provide reimbursement for professional conference expenses.

Hearing Aids for Adults – Coverage: Requires insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations that provide certain health insurance benefits under insurance policies or contracts, to provide hearing aid coverage for adults.

Prekindergarten – Payments to Private Providers and Public Building Use – Alterations: Despite the huge cost associated with implementing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, it appears that it will remain in place for the foreseeable future. My bill, once drafted, will make several changes to pre-K funding and flexibility to reduce the current fiscal burden on state and local governments. This bill is intended to encourage private sector participation with the public school system.

As a member of the Joint Republican Caucus, I share the concerns most important to Marylanders. Consistently, one of those top concerns has been crime. Over the last several years, the focus of the General Assembly has moved from public safety and the victims of crime to the well-being of those who commit crimes. It is time to restore balance in our public policy and protect our communities. The following bills, designed to protect Marylanders, are being proposed by the Joint Republican Caucus, and I will be a co- sponsor on each of them.

HB0319 / SB0052 Juvenile Justice Restoration Act: Allows parental consent as a substitute for the required consultation with an attorney. Juveniles under the age of 13 who use firearms in the commission of a crime will come under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court system. Additionally, the bill provides that, upon a juvenile’s third arrest for a non-violent crime that does not involve a firearm, the repeat juvenile offender would come under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court system.

HB0320 / SB0396 Drug-Free Roadways Act of 2024: Repeals a certain prohibition against a law enforcement officer initiating a stop or a search of a motor vehicle based solely on the odor of burnt or unburnt cannabis.

HB0316 / SB0028 Violent Firearms Offenders Act of 2024: Increases the penalties for committing crimes with an illegal firearm from 3 years to 5 years and raises the maximum fine. from $2,500 to $10,000. Creates penalties for someone who sells or gives someone a gun knowing that they will use it to commit a crime.

HB0304 / SB0039 Gun Theft Felony Act of 2024: Will classify the theft of a firearm as a felony and establish a penalty of 5 years imprisonment and/or a fine not exceeding $1,000 for a first offense, and 10 years imprisonment and/or a fine not exceeding $2,500 for a second or subsequent offense.

As we move forward with these important issues, I am both honored and excited to be in Annapolis serving each of you.

Del. Teresa E. Reilly represents District 35A and is chair of the Harford County delegation.

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