September 20, 2024

Crazy abortion pill ruling stayed, with Alito whining and Thomas in supports

Alito #Alito

Crazy abortion pill ruling stayed, with Alito whining and Thomas in supports – Arkansas Times

For your reading pleasure, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling staying the wholly unsupported and crazu decision by a Texas Trump ideologue, anti-abortion, forum-shopped Texas judge to end the availability of a safe and widely used abortion pill in the United States.

The Alito whining dissent tells you everything you need to know about this activist judge. Note that Clarence (wholly owned billionaire-subidiary) Thomas, also disssented.

The opinion here.

The court should have summarily dismissed this case for lack of standing by the baloney plaintiffs, an evangelical anti-abortion group speculating on non-existent future damages. These bozos have standing while Black people discriminated against by the Arkansas legislature in drawing legislative districts do not? That is Alito-style justice for sure. I’d like to hear extreme conservative Judge Lee Rudofsky’s opinion on THIS case. He’s the one who reversed a century of precedent in denying a day in court for Black voters discriminated against in Arkansas.

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