September 20, 2024

Covid Australia live update: NSW puts four Sydney LGAs in lockdown after 22 new coronavirus cases; AMA chief calls for wider restrictions


[The sites suggested by WA] both had international quality airports, so I thought they made a lot of sense, but he doesn’t want to do it, so they are obviously not ones we can use because the commonwealth has to find this.

The reason both of those were suggested was you build the facility there, it has a use beyond the pandemic. They need workers, accommodation. It has a great use after the pandemic but they don’t want to do it, so that’s their call.

There is a joint formal assessment process, that is what they have offered. If you have a look at the letter, we will make sure you get that letter after this, it has been provided out there to various people, but we will make sure you get a copy of it. It requested that we enter into a joint formal assessment process, so we will go through that process.

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