September 20, 2024

Covid Australia live news update: NSW announces 111 new cases and new Sydney lockdown restrictions; 19 cases in Victoria


Today’s shutdown of construction and non-essential retail mean jobkeeper must be revived to give workers and employers across Sydney certainty and security rather than ambiguity and confusion.

The combined effect of closing retail, construction, hospitality, events and other industries is a mammoth hit to household incomes. While lockdown is now the only option, the onus is on the state and federal governments to provide economic security.

Jobkeeper is the answer. It provides all affected workers with a liveable income of $1,500 per fortnight while maintaining the connection to their employer.

The ever-changing criteria and levels of support payment from the commonwealth and NSW governments are confusing and bewildering. Jobkeeper is clear, well understood and allows workers and businesses to spring back into action on the other side of the crisis.

All the knowledge and experience is in place. We just require Gladys Berejiklian and Scott Morrison to dust off the old copybook and get moving.

We also need proper pandemic and vaccine leave for people who have to isolate or get vaccinated. The current system is a hodge-podge, with far too many Sydney workers falling through the cracks.

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