Coroner Releases Name Of Wheeling Man Killed In Buffalo Grove Crash
Rojas #Rojas

BUFFALO GROVE, IL — The Lake County Coroner’s Office released the name and preliminary cause of death of a driver who fatally crashed into a nitrogen gas tank cage Monday afternoon in Buffalo Grove. Fernando Montesinos-Rojas, 42, of Wheeling, was pronounced dead at the scene after sustaining blunt force injuries.
Montesinos-Rojas reportedly drove his car into the cage, which is located next to the Vapor Bus International building, 1010 Johnson Drive. Paramedics arrived and confirmed Montesinos-Rojas was dead shortly after the 4:38 p.m. crash. Buffalo Grove police and firefighters were also on the scene.
The coroner said Tuesday that final autopsy results are pending toxicology testing, including carbon monoxide testing.
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The Lake County Major Crash Assistance Team was called to the scene to assist in the crash investigation.
RELATED: Man Killed After Driving Into Nitrogen Tank Cage — Buffalo Grove P.D.
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