October 5, 2024


Corbin #Corbin

By Richard Trionfo on 2021-07-23 19:59:00

We are in Cleveland, Ohio and Miami, Florida and your announcers are Pat McAfee and Michael Cole.

John Cena makes his way to the ring.

John says he understands that it has been a hell of a week.  John says the big suprirse at Money in the Bank was fun.  He says he was so excited that he had to crash Raw and do a Q&A to explain how he escaped the Firefly Fun House, how many Peacemaker costumes did he really take, and who is there to chin check Roman Reigns?  I came back to challenge Roman Reigns at SummerSlam for the Universal Title.  I know why you are excited.  John says we are only a few heartbeats away from John Cena and Roman Reigns face to face in this very ring.  Cena says he couldn’t think of a better place to do this.  John says he went to the Cleveland Government offices and changed his middle name to “Guardians” because someone needs to protect the respect that WWE has left.  Smackdown with Roman Reigns as champion sucks.

There are hundreds of Roman Reigns fans around there and they deserve to stand up and be heard.  You deserve to stand up and be heard.  No more Thunderdome.  This is a chance for all of us to stand up for what we believe in.  What do you believe in?  Whose team are you on?  John asks if you are on Team Jorts or are you on Team Cargo Pants?  Are you on Team Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect or are you on a Team the Fans Always Reject?  Are you Team Cena or are you on Team Roman Reigns?

John wonders where the hell is Roman.  John says that Roman knows he can’t see him.  After SummerSlam, he will realize that the CHAMP . . . IS . . . HERE.

John asks Roman if he hears that and he wants Roman to come out.  John tells Roman it is time to make history.  

Roman does not come out and then John asks politely for Roman to come out.

Paul Heyman makes his way to the stage.  Paul says John Cena has it all wrong.  Roman Reigns can’t see you?  Roman Reigns can’t hear you because you’re simply worth him listening to.  Paul tells John not to get his panties in a bunch.  Paul says he gives John his word that tonight you will get an answer to your challenge, when but only when Roman Reigns decides to come out and show you and everyone here that the . . . THE TRIBAL CHIEF is here.  Paul beat boxes Cena’s theme.

We take a look back at what happened last week with Sami Zayn and Finn Balor.

Match Number One:  Finn Balor versus Sami Zayn

They lock up and Balor with a waist lock.  Zayn with a back elbow and a wrist lock.  Zayn takes Balor to the mat and applies an arm bar.  Zayn with a punch and he runs Balor’s eyes across the top rope.  Zayn with a forearm to the back and punches to Balor.  Zayn sends Balor to the floor.  Zayn punches Balor against the ringside barrier.  Zayn with more punches and he sends Balor back into the ring.  Balor with a double leg take down and punches.  Balor with boots to Zayn.  Balor with a kick and he sends Zayn to the floor.  Balor with a flip dive onto Zayn.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Balor punches Zayn but Zayn with a clothesline for a near fall.  We take a look at Zayn sending Balor into the ring post during the commercial.  Zayn with a sleeper into a reverse chin lock.  Zayn with a knee to Balor.  Zayn sends Balor into the turnbuckles but Balor with boots to Zayn.  Zayn with a DDT.  Zayn sets for the Helluva Kick but Balor with Slingblade.  Zayn misses a punch and Balor with an elevated elbow drop.  Zayn catches Balor on a running drop kick and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.  Zayn sets for the Exploder into the turnbuckles but Balor blocks it.  Zayn with elbows to the back.  Zayn tries for the exploder again and Balor blocks it and connects with elbows and he runs Zayn into the corner.

Balor counters an exploder into a victory roll and double stomp.  Balor drop kicks Zayn into the turnbuckles and does it a second time.  Balor goes up top and hits Coup de Grace for the three count.

Winner:  Finn Balor

Kayla Braxton is in the back and she is joined by Baron Corbin.  

Kayla asks Baron about his GoFundMe and how much money he made.  Baron says he lost money on this venture.  Baron says the guy who made the site ghosted him after he paid the guy.  Baron says the guy stole his identity.  Baron says he had to ride the bus and he complains about the smells.

Baron asks what happened to him.

Big E makes his way to the ring with his briefcase.

We see how he won the briefcase on Sunday.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Big E is ready to speak.

He says Sunday . . . and the crowd starts a You Deserve It Chant.  Big E says Sunday, July 18th is a night he will never forget.  He was hurled through the air, grown men jumped onto me, and I jumped off a ladder.  When I made that final climb and grabbed that briefcase . . . 

Apollo Crews’ music plays and he comes out with Commander Azeez.

Crews congratulates Big E.  He says Big E shocked the world and he won a contract.  Crews says this is not the same thing as actually winning a championship like I did when I beat you at Wrestlemania.

Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode make their way to the ring.  Dolph says if you want to talk about the Intercontinental Title, you better be talking about us.

Rick Boogs’ guitar interrupts and Shinsuke Nakamura makes his way to the ring.

Before we can hear someone actually speak, Cesaro makes his way to the ring.  He says enough talking and he wants that title.  He tells Apollo it is Swing Time in Cleveland.

Everyone battles in the ring and Cesaro sends Ziggler over the top rope.  Azeez grabs Big E but Nakamura and Cesaro pull Azeez off Big E.  Cesaro and Nakamura kick Azeez and Big E clotheslines Azeez over the top rope.  Cesaro with the Giant Swing to Crews and then Crews gets out of the ring.

We go from Cleveland to Miami Gardens, Florida (and the parking lot outside the home of Wrestlemania 28).

Wale welcomes everyone.

Match Number Two: Angelo Dawkins (with Montez Ford) versus Chad Gable (with Otis Dozovic)

Otis distracts Dawkins and Gable with punches.  Dawkins with a flying clothesline and drop kick.  Dawkins with a butterfly rolling suplex.  Dawkins tries to suplex Gable back into the ring and Gable lands on his feet.  Gable punches Dawkins.  Dawkins puts Gable on the turnbuckles to counter a monkey flip and Gable with a cross arm breaker in the ropes.  Gable with a springboard clothesline for a near fall.  Gable with a boot to the injured arm.  Gable with a wrist clutch Northern Lights suplex for a near fall.  Gable with an arm bar.  Gable with a German suplex and he gets a near fall.  Gable goes to the turnbuckles and tries for a moonsault but he lands on his feet when Dawkins moves.

Dawkins sends Gable to the floor and then Dawkins with a twisting splash into the corner.  Gable with a boot to Dawkins.  Dawkins with a punch for a near fall.  Dawkins puts Gable on the turnbuckles but Gable gets to the mat and Gable with a back slide for a near fall.  Dawkins with a spinebuster for the three count.

Winner:  Angelo Dawkins

After the match, Smackdown Women’s Champion Bianca Belair makes her way to the ring.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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