January 27, 2025

Collectors join forces to open Warehouse 42 in Brunswick

Brunswick #Brunswick

BRUNSWICK, Ohio — Lisa Snyder and Nick Nagorka have opened their resale shop in an unexpected location and filled it with unexpected items.

No matter where you turn in the newly opened Warehouse 42, there are interesting objects to find.

The huge space was once occupied by an auto parts store at 1456 Pearl Road, across from Brunswick Middle School.

It’s a huge space. Though not quite fully organized yet, the grand opening and ribbon cutting was held Sept. 15 with the Northern Medina County Chamber Alliance. Officials from the city and county were on hand to welcome them.

Once inside, the unofficial theme became clear — From Grit to Glamor.

Snyder, a Valley City resident, is an artist. For years, she has collected a wide variety of antiques and unique items. A collection of vintage clothing is also included. In the middle of the store, she has her artist workshop; she hopes to offer classes in the future.


Sherry Snyder and Lisa Snyder (no relation) stand in one small corner of a very large warehouse of unique items. (Sam Boyer, special to cleveland.com)

Nagorka, a Brunswick resident, wasn’t able to be at the grand opening ceremony. He is a longtime handyman, working on everything from basements to roofs and beyond.

He had been using storage units to house his finds. So, one huge wall of every kind of tool for virtually any kind of job lines one wall of the new store. In the back room, he continues his repair business.

“The space gave us room for both of our interests and offers many unique items for shoppers,” she said.

It’s probably true that if you are looking for a gift for the person who has everything, you are likely to find something new here.

During the opening ceremony, staff from Sérénité Restaurant in Medina prepared refreshments for those who attended the ribbon cutting.

Outside, Mayor Ron Falconi presented a proclamation welcoming Warehouse 42 to the community, and Medina County Commissioner Colleen Swedyk commended the new business for locating in Medina County.

Chamber Alliance Executive Director Debbie Boehmke set the scene, as the ribbon and giant scissors were used to make the official cut.

For more information, go to https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084661565560 or call 330-618-7886.

Read more from the Brunswick Sun.

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