Co-worker’s video tribute boosts spirits at Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima #OurLadyofFatima

Working as a physical therapist at Our Lady of Fatima Hospital in North Providence, Dave Durigan could see first-hand the stress the staff was feeling because of the coronavirus pandemic.
So as tribute to his co-workers, and healthcare workers everywhere, Durigan wrote a song, “Save the Day,” set it to a slideshow of hospital staff members and posted it to YouTube.
“It definitely boosted our spirits and everyone was happy to see themselves and their departments represented,” said Darrick Tow, a physical therapist assistant at the hospital.
The seeds of the song came to Durigan one day as he was driving from work to his home in Cranston. He recorded the song in a small studio he set up in his basement.
“Once I had a demo of the song, I reached out to my co-workers for pictures that they’ve taken during these crazy times,” he said.
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Durigan used iMovie to put the pictures in a slideshow, using the “Ken Burns effect” to zoom in and out. He timed the transitions to the tempo of the song. The project took him about a week.
Here’s what the song says in part:
“Let’s make today the day
“We put our fears away
“And we save the day”
The video has gotten some 3,100 views on YouTube.
“I didn’t expect so many people to see it and share it,” Durigan said.
Tow has worked at the hospital since 1999 and says, “This is one of the coolest things someone has done on a personal level that I can remember.“
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