March 15, 2025

Chris Kenny

Chris Kenny #ChrisKenny

Chris Kenny | Sky News Australia

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Nicolle Flint ‘begged Labor to stop politicising’ misogyny

Chris Kenny

Sky News contributor Liz Storer says when Nicolle Flint condemned Labor for ignoring the sexist abuse she suffered she was “begging them to stop politicising” the issue of misogyny in politics.

Nationals Senator Matt Canavan has maintained it would be “prudent” to have a short pause on the rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine amid the blood clotting concerns, but hopes reviews will “restore full confidence” in the jab.

It’s hard to avoid the conclusion there is a “lot of geo-politics” in the suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine rollout by multiple countries in Europe, according to Spiked Online Editor Brendan O’Neill.

Sky News host Chris Kenny says it is “like North Korea” in Western Australia at the moment following the recent state election.

Liberal MP Nicolle Flint has stripped bare in parliament the double standards from the “green left abusers” as she has been “driven from politics by sexist attacks,” according to Sky News host Chris Kenny.

Regional Australia needs water security which requires “grown up conversations, not GetUp conversations” about dams, according to NSW Water Minister Melinda Pavey.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce says former deputy prime minister John Anderson has “done a remarkable job for our nation” and is a very dignified person.

Tamworth Councillor Russell Webb says people are now holding onto their cattle amid a shortage following drought.

Festival Director Barry Harley has spoken to Sky News about the iconic Tamworth Country Music Festival, which had to be cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Liberal MP Dr Katie Allen has backed the Morrison government’s “evidence-based” COVID response and has insisted there is “no need to pause” the AstraZeneca rollout in Australia.

It is “really pathetic” to condemn Prime Minister Scott Morrison for not joining or fronting an “angry rally,” according to Sky News host Chris Kenny.

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro says people must stop living “in fear and anxiety” about the virus and must “get back to some level of normality”.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor says the government will make sure there is “genuine replacement” for the Yallourn power station – set to close earlier than expected.

Moree Councillor and farmer Mike Montgomery has spoken to Sky News about how the area is coping and rebounding from tough drought conditions and the state border lockdowns.

Sky News host Chris Kenny says he thinks everyone can all agree that the aims of the ‘March 4 Justice’ protest are universal, but “partisan party politicking” got in the way.

Chief Editorial Cartoonist at The Australian Johannes Leak has taken a look at the week that was in news portrayed through cartoons with Sky News host Chris Kenny.

Sky News host Chris Kenny has pointed to the double standards at the ABC over examples of misogyny, bias and grubby public debate Mike Carlton levelled at former Liberal MP Nicolle Flint via Twitter.

Sky News host Chris Kenny says woke liberal media have taken Meghan Markle’s bombshell claims in her tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey as gospel truth, without scrutinising what has been said, often sparking a “wonderful woke awakening”.

Sky News host Chris Kenny says not one ‘journalist’ at the ABC is prepared to say that what was right for former Labor leader Bill Shorten is right for Attorney-General Christian Porter as the national broadcaster continues to campaign against him.

IPA’s Dr Bella D’Abrera says the culture which led to the removal of the word normal from Unilever products is “getting out of hand”.

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