January 25, 2025

Choruses gather to sing for peace this Sunday

Sing For Peace #SingForPeace


Passers-by may sing along or just listen to a “Community Singing for Peace” on Grass Valley’s pedestrian street on Sunday afternoon, June 12. Six faith communities and three community choruses will perform from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on the stairs at 151 Union Square on Mill Street, between the Tao Té Café and the Christian Science Reading Room.

The street concert will feature the Ananda Community, Taylor Carey, JB Eckl for the Baha’i Community, the Grass Valley Male Choir, The Loft Community Choir, the Methodist Church of Nevada City’s “Ad Hoc Singers,” the Nevada County Jewish Community Center, the Sierra Sufi Circle and the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Mountains.

“War and hate don’t fix anything,” said planner Dianne Marshall, on behalf of InterFaith Nevada County. “Take a break from the news headlines and get rejuvenated!”

Marshall said the group’s intention is to unite the community in common expressions of love, respect and appreciation for all, with the sentiment of, “We invite you to enjoy songs of peace, recharge your energy and lighten your spirit as you face the challenges of the day.”

The public is invited to participate free of charge. Voluntary donations will be routed to a nonprofit organization that benefits those living in conflict zones, including Ukraine.


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