Charmed reboot ending changes everything you thought you knew about Prue’s death
Prue #Prue

Fans of the original series of Charmed are renowned for their initial struggle to accept the reboot and we can’t blame them. Noughties Charmed was, is and will always be iconic.
Even after four seasons of the new iteration people still feel passionately about the intrusion of the Vera-Vaughn-Danso trio into the Charmed legacy, with many sitting in one camp or the other.
However, it appears the creators have sought to bridge the gap between fans of both new and old once and for all by introducing the multiverse into the show’s finale.
It seems that the multiverse concept is really taking hold out of the Marvel-DC universe. Most recently Everything Everywhere All at Once and now our three witches have stuck their toe in the multiversal well.
The reboot has always led with the idea that the Vera-Danso Charmed Ones were not the first set of witches to take on the Charmed mantle. No we aren’t talking about their gone-to-soon sister Macy (Madeleine Mantock) who died like Prue, only to be replaced by Makaela (Lucy Barrett).
We are however referring to the fact that the Charmed status is made up of a sisterhood of three witches with the power of three being passed down group by group. They don’t even have to be blood-related as was explained by a member of the original Charmed trio Ishani (Lauren Gaw). Just bound by purpose and love.
In the finale, true-to-Charmed fashion, the sisters were about to give their lives to save the world from a magical explosive that would decimate all the magical creatures in one fell swoop.
The bomb was triggered by an original Charmed One Inara (Nazneen Contractor) who turned evil after a fight with her Charmed sisters lead to her being entombed for 10,000 years.
At the last minute, the initial Charmed sisters (including a reformed Inara) took the place of the current day Charmed Ones, absorbing the magic from the bomb in order to prevent their death and save the world.
It’s really more of a watch-for-yourself kind of thing.
The ending saw the sisters settled with passion, purpose and love. Most importantly they finished with sisterhood intact, a big deal given the fact that all of their predecessors weren’t so lucky.
At the final moments, the Charmed ladies were called to a portal which held the Charmed sigel, the triquetra.
Now here’s where things get really interesting.
The portal landed them at the front door of the Halliwell Manor, like Dorothy in Oz being called home to Kansas.
This nod to the original franchise and Halliwell sisterhood was the perfect way to pay homage to the history of the show and as Charmed fans – we DIED!
The only way to top such a reboot ending would have been a magical cameo from the Halliwells. However that was certainly beyond the realms of possibility given the tension amongst the OG and new cast.
The glimpse of the girls stepping into the Halliwell manor does confirm one thing. That the two shows and worlds are interconnected.
The idea of the multiverse was highlighted earlier in the season when whitelighter turned Necrolighter Harry (Rupert Evans) met a whitelighter from another universe and was shown VHS tapes of other Charmed worlds. VHS? How vintage.
However up until the finale that was only true of the reboot world. The final episode now confirms this of both series as almost a respectful nod to the foundation on which it was built.
Now, if we have our multiversal lore right (and we’d like to think we do) this could mean all sorts for the tragic death of original Charmed member Prue.
Shannen Doherty played the eldest sister until her character was killed off by the demon Shax. She was replaced in the sisterhood by long-lost half sister Paige (Rose McGowan) who brought a different but equally stellar energy to the show.
However with the multiverse at play that does mean there could be worlds where Prue survived the attack.
Better still there could even be worlds where she was brought back to life after the introduction of Paige making room for a wholly different powerhouse and dynamic instead.
Admit it, you’d love a power of four.
Both shows were created by Constance M Burge and housed by the CW network so in some ways it does make the idea of a Charmed multiverse canon.
Unfortunately for shippers of that idea there has already been some heated talk between the writers of both the reboot and original.
OG writer Curtis Kheel tweeted:
“As an original Charmed writer, I can tell [you] what happened next: Piper, Phoebe and Paige vanquished the [three] imposters right after they invaded Halliwell Manor.
“Then [Holly Marie Combs] blew up the portal to that other universe [and] quipped: ‘We wish them well.'”
This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
He was met with the following response from reboot writers:
“Unlike with the OG version of the franchise, we had a strict ‘no a**holes’ hiring policy in the writer’s room.
“We feel mostly sorry for these people, because unlike them we actually like each other and had the best time.”
They went on to add:
“And for the record, we love both versions, which is why we set out to create a cohesive universe. In our minds there is zero competition in a long line of strong young witches tasked with repeatedly saving the world.”
This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Can’t we just get along, guys?
Either way, the idea of a Charmed universe allows for infinite possibilities for the power of three to be told and we’re here for it.
Charmed airs on The CW in the US and E4 in the UK.
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