March 17, 2025

Carl Snowden: Halfway through Pittman’s term, there has been progress

Snowden #Snowden

As we approached the mid-term point for County Executive Steuart Pittman, I wanted to share with the community our perspective on his tenure. Two years ago, voters went to the polls and supported candidates who pledged to be change agents.

The “Blue Wave” swept into office not only Pittman but women in unprecedented numbers. Voters elected State’s Attorney Anne Colt Leitess, Del. Heather Bagnall, Orphans Court Judge Vickie Gipson, Councilwoman Lisa Rodvien, Del. Sandy Barlet and State Sens. Sarah Elfreth and Pam Beidle.

These and other successful candidates pledge to make Anne Arundel County better for all citizens. They promised change. Many of us endorsed and worked for them and helped them win the offices they now occupy.

I have had a birdseye view of what the election of these candidates has meant.

Prior to the pandemic, the Caucus of African-American Leaders met monthly at the Wiley H. Bates Legacy Center in Annapolis. Our meetings focused laser-like on accountability and responsibility.

We knew that our role was more than just electing people to office, we had a responsibility to hold them accountable and that is precisely what we have been doing.

On a quarterly basis, we have been meeting with Pittman and his staff. After two years, I am pleased to report that with some exceptions, he has delivered on the promises that he made.

Development, which in our opinion was out of control, has now been slowed and citizens have more input into the process of planning for the future growth in our county. His administration has been listening.

He has put the health of citizens and science on the front burner and the tough decisions he and his health department has made have been both pragmatic and necessary.

In the areas of civil rights, we were pleased with his appointment of Police Chief Amal Awad and his commitment to work with the community to develop an equilibrium between the legitimate needs of law enforcement and the civil rights of citizens.

These last two years have been challenging on many fronts. However, what we have been pleased with is that we have been given a seat at the table.

In addition to the county executive meeting with business leaders, labor leaders, environmentalists, he has also met with the NAACP, United Black Clergy and other groups.

Mid-term is always the opportunity that both the office holder and the public take an opportunity to see what is going to be completed in a first term.

On Wednesday, we will be meeting with County Executive Pittman via Zoom and we will be asking tough questions regarding policies that allow certain departments to dismiss people without giving an explanation as to why.

We will be asking him to take a look at the makeup of our government and see how close he is to keeping his promise of having the government reflect the people that it serves.

I am well aware of the limitations of government. As a former elected official, I am aware of the need to balance the many wishes of various constituency groups.

The Founding Fathers wisely instituted the principle that it is the people who determine who governs them. Elections are always a referendum on the incumbents.

Just as in 2020, it was the voters who decided whether the current occupant of the White House would remain or leave, so it will be in 2022.

I believe that there is still much work to be done. I congratulate Pittman for his success and remind him that voters always judge people on not what they say, but what they do.

It was Winston Churchill who said, “The farther back we look the further forward we’ll be able to see”. We have looked back over the last two years and we have seen progress.

We look forward to working with Pittman and his staff. There is an African proverb that says if you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.

We look forward to working together to make Anne Arundel County not just the best place, but the place where justice and fairness is a hallmark and not an aberration.

A Luta Continua, which means in Portuguese that the struggle continues!

Carl Snowden is a longtime civil rights activist from Annapolis. Contact him at (Capital Gazette file)

Carl Snowden is the convener of the Caucus of African American Leaders and a longtime civil rights activist. He lives in Annapolis.

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