October 5, 2024

Canadians Are Sending ‘Dear America’ Messages On Twitter Ahead Of The Election

Dear America #DearAmerica

Canadians are fully aware that there is a presidential election happening on November 3, and they are writing “dear America” messages on Twitter in a show of how special the Canada-USA relationship really is.

These tweets are asking Americans to make a clear choice in the election, and that overwhelmingly appears to mean voting for Joe Biden instead of Donald Trump.

Many of these messages are written with a touch of humour, but still maintain a serious tone in hoping that 2020 goes differently than 2016.

This isn’t even the first time that Canadians and Americans have exchanged messages on Twitter in regards to politics. Americans had previously written “Dear Canada” tweets after a Canadian sent an inflammatory comment about Trump. Some of the latest tweets from Canadians included a photo of when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden got together in the past. Some people were thinking about what they would do in the case of a Trump victory, and it involves keeping the border closed. Canadians, like Americans, will be watching as the results start to come in tomorrow, even if the final tabulation isn’t completed for days.

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