September 22, 2024

Britney fans turn on Kevin Federline for ‘trying to set her up’ with covert parent video

Kevin Federline #KevinFederline

Britney’s fans have responded to Kevin Federline’s Instagram post sharing videos of the singer arguing with her two sons, calling him out for trying to “expose” her when she was just “being a mum”

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Britney Spears argues with her kids in the car

Britney Spears’ fans have accused Kevin Federline of “trying to set up” the star after he shared a series of covert videos filmed by their sons to call out her parenting skills.

The clips, posted on his Instagram on Thursday, were accompanied by the former professional dancer, 44, telling the singer, 40, “the lies have to stop” after she made a number of accusations in a lengthy post.

And Britney’s fans have responded to Kevin’s reaction on Twitter, calling him out for trying to “expose” her when she was just “being a mum”, while adding her sons Jayden, 15, and Sean, 16, seem “spoilt”.

One wrote: “It’s like she’s trying to be a good mother but anything she says gets misconstrued”.

Another added: “I don’t know what he expected to achieve posting those videos of Britney who was clearly just being a mum & correcting her children. Go away and get a real job, stop sponging off Britney.”

Britney Spears’ fans have accused Kevin Federline of “trying to set up” the star with covert videos (


A third fan chimed: “If you call Britney disturbing and deranged for simply being a good parent you’re also calling literally every single mum on this planet the same thing. She did what mums do. And yes mums are allowed to angry at their kids at times. It’s normal.”

“Britney poured out her heart. You can actually feel the pain she’s in. That scumbag KFed responded by posting revenge videos secretly recorded by her kids,” another wrote.

“The video just shows that Kevin let’s the boys do whatever and I’m sure they s**t talk about Britney. Which is why they have little to no respect for her”, said a different fan.

Kevin posted videos of Britney arguing with her sons (


Kevin Federline/Instagram)

“All I hear is two spoilt little b***s disrespecting their mum,” said another.

In one video, Britney argued with one of her boys over skincare, telling him: “This is my house, if I wanna come in here and give you lotion for your face because it is coarse, and all you tell me is ‘it’s fine, it’s fine’. No it’s not fine.”

“You better all start respecting me, are we clear? You all need to start treating me like a woman with worth. I am a woman, ok? Be nice to me. Do you understand?”

Britney had shared her heartache about not seeing her sons Sean, 16 left and Jayden, 15 , right, in months

In the other clip, the songstress told Sean she is “shocked” he didn’t wear shoes in an ice cream shop in Alaska and told him she was confiscating his phone over it, which sparked a row between the pair.

In a car journey, Britney said: “Have you lost your f*****g mind? I do care but I’m shocked as f**k with you. I don’t know what to do. And I’m shocked with you because you’re weird and going through puberty. I don’t know what to say.

“But I do care more than you know. Sometimes I just don’t know what to say with you.”

Over the weekend Kevin broke his decade long silence (



Sean protested from the back of the car: “My phone is going to be taken away, you know what Jayden? Mum decided to take it away for not wearing shoes.”

As Jayden was asked for his opinion, he hit back saying: “What I seem like in my mind you just care about yourself, but you won’t let us speak one word”.

The row then seemed to diffuse between the trio as conversation turned to ice skating, with Britney telling her sons she thinks it’s easier than rollerblading.

Mirror Online has contacted Britney’s representatives for comment.

It comes after Britney took to Instagram to slam her ex for not keeping their business private after he broke his decade long silence this weekend.

In the lengthy post, the singer made a number of claims – from the teens acting “hateful” towards her to Kevin’s home having “more weed than Ludacris, 50 Cent, Jay Z and Puff Daddy combined”.

The Toxic singer admitted she may have tried too hard to make her kids love her on their visits to see her.

She wrote: “The teenage age is weird, I don’t know what’s going on in their heads!!!” She revealed they would read prayers together before she said: “I always TRIED and TRIED, and maybe that’s why they stopped coming here!!!”

After lashing out at her ex and his attorney for bringing up her past, she concluded by adamantly saying she can’t be fixed and will “forever have trauma”.

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