October 6, 2024

Brett Favre text messages in Mississippi public funds scandal leaked: “The media won’t find out, will they?”

Brett Favre #BrettFavre

Brett Favre’s NFL legacy will forever be of one of the greatest quarterbacks of his time. Off the field, however, his image becomes more and more tainted. Especially with the FBI investigation into his role in defrauding the government of Mississippi out of 1.1 million dollars.

Now, Mississippi Today has leaked text messages showing his full involvement in the embezzling of public funds that were meant to be destined to a volleyball stadium for a low income area in the southern state.

Leaked text messages where Brett Favre acknowledges his involvement

Leaked text message convo between Brett Favre and Nancy New. -MT

Nancy New, a mother who ran a nonprofit group and an education company in Mississippi with her son Zachary, is whom Brett Favre texts. In their exchange, the veteran NFL player asks her: “If you were to pay me, is there any way the media can find out where it comes from and how much it is?”.

To which New replies, No, we never had that information publicized. I understand you being uneasy about that […] Let’s see what happens on Monday with the conversation with some of the folks at (Mississippi) Southern University. Maybe it will click with them”. To which Favre simply replies: “Ok, thanks”.

The next day, on August 4th of 2017, Nancy New excitedly replied to Brett Favre: “Wow. Just got off the phone with Phil Bryant (former Governor of Mississippi). He is on board with us! We will get this done!”. Favre then responds: “Awesome, I needed to hear that for sure”.

The aftermath: an FBI investigation and public shame

Brett Favre’s involvement in the Mississippi corruption scandal will chase him for some time. In 2021, he already repaid $600,000 in welfare funds he accepted for speeches he never gave. The state’s lead auditor forced him to repay the $1.1 million he received initially with interest. Favre has repaid the extra 500k he owed, not but not the $228,000 interest as of yet.

Ever since being caught, Favre has alleged he didn’t know the money he received came from welfare funds. He also defended himself stating his charity had provided millions of dollars to poor children in Mississippi as well as Wisconsin. However, these new texts messages likely prove otherwise.

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