Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown wins second term
Brampton #Brampton

© Provided by Toronto Sun Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown won a second term in Monday’s election
He rises once again.
No matter how many times he gets knocked down, Patrick Brown keeps getting back up.
This time it was the Brampton mayor who delivered the knockout blow. Decisively.
“We are going to keep sticking up for this city,” said a victorious Brown.”We are going to work day in and day out to move Brampton forward.”
Late in the evening, the incumbent mayor had about 35,000 votes to his main rival Nikki Kaur’s 15,000 , which had him heading to a decisive win in what was a mudslinging campaign. But Brown once again weathered the storm.
Of course, 2022 was not a normal year for Brown, who already had a major campaign not work out for him in his quest to become Canada’s federal Conservative leader — only to be disqualified from the contest toward the end in a dispute over memberships. Brown told the Sun the bouncing was more about him being in a position to beat eventual winner Pierre Poilievre.
Despite the setback, he quickly gathered himself together to throw his hat in the ring again for the Brampton mayor’s position which, ironically, was a fallback position for him four years ago. That’s when he was chased from the provincial Progressive Conservative leadership race, in what later were proven to be erroneous allegations; he was able to win an apology in court.
But love him or not, one thing you can’t say about Patrick Brown is he’s a quitter. He never does. No matter how many times he gets knocked to the canvas, he just keeps getting back up again.
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Now, his supporters say the focus will be on helping Brampton reach its full potential. Already a great city that is growing, Brampton has ambitious plans going forward to grow both its residential and business sectors while enhancing the downtown experience.
With the growing industrial areas meaning more trucks and traffic, another focus is public safety, both in terms of roadways and on reducing crime.
“Brampton is working on having the safest streets in the GTA and that is my focus,” said Brian Patterson of the Ontario Safety League.
“I am proud to fight for Brampton which is a beautiful city,” he said. “We should be proud to be Bramptonians”