January 11, 2025

Bon Iver is committing 5% of annual publishing royalties to nonprofits fighting for gender equity

Bon Iver #BonIver

Bon Iver’s influential “For Emma, Forever Ago” album was released 10 years ago, and its impact on Justin Vernon, Eau Claire and music has never been the same.

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic forced Justin Vernon to scrap a world tour, 2020 has been a pretty big year for Bon Iver. 

The Eau Claire, Wisconsin artist released a couple original songs, including one with Bruce Springsteen, and delivered a Grammy-nominated performance on Taylor Swift’s surprise album “Folklore.” 

But some of Bon Iver’s biggest moves involved social justice, from spearheading an ambitious Wisconsin voting initiative to donating $30,000 in solidarity with protesters over George Floyd’s death. 

Now Vernon is making a major commitment in the fight for gender equity. Bon Iver will be donating 5% of annual publishing royalties to nonprofits — every year. 

That commitment is inspired by Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy’s announcement in June that he would donate 5% of his writer royalties to causes fighting for racial justice every year, Vernon wrote on the Bon Iver Facebook page.

“We hope such commitments move other artists, labels, PROs, agencies, industries, and corporations to support the causes most important to them and their communities,” Vernon wrote. 

Royalties will be donated to organizations that have partnered with Bon Iver’s 2 A Billion campaign, which has raised awareness about gender inequality, domestic violence and sexual abuse. The campaign’s network of nonprofits includes organizations in 28 states and 17 countries. 

“It is time for those with ample privilege and large platforms to amplify marginalized voices, speak up for disenfranchised communities, and give back to those working on the front lines of our country’s greatest challenges,” Vernon wrote on the Bon Iver Facebook page. “As we all face so many grave issues in our world, we can achieve something good by coming together.”

Contact Piet at (414) 223-5162 or plevy@journalsentinel.com. Follow him on Twitter at @pietlevy or Facebook at facebook.com/PietLevyMJS.

Piet also talks concerts, local music and more on “TAP’d In” with Jordan Lee. Hear it at 8 a.m. Thursdays on WYMS-FM (88.9), or wherever you get your podcasts.


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