October 5, 2024

Blue Monday is bogus – here are five ways to turn your day around

Good Monday #GoodMonday

Every year, social media perpetuates the myth that the third Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year.

A marketing gimmick devised by a travel company some 16 years ago to help sell holidays, Blue Monday is purportedly a miserable date because of its distance from the last pay day, debt levels, the weather and the fact it’s three months until the next Bank Holiday.

While some of those things may be true, being repeatedly told that today is a depressing day might well be the most self-fulfilling prophecies there is.

So we’re here to tell you: today doesn’t have to be rubbish. New mass vaccination hubs have opened across Britain and we’ve got fresh hope for a bright 2021. Plus, we’re three weeks separated from 2020, and that’s surely something to celebrate.

By way of turning Blue Monday into a more positive experience, debt advice experts at PayPlan have shared five top tips for making this a good week.

Keep active

Getting your blood pumping can really help your frame of mind. Getting outside for some exercise – whether it be a brisk bike ride, a lunchtime run or a late afternoon stroll in the park – can improve your mental and physical health.

Mental health charity Mind recommends wrapping up warm, filling a flask up with a hot drink and taking some time to enjoy the winter sun.

Getting active doesn’t have to mean spending your morning jogging. If you can’t move around freely, keep your brain active with games, quizzes and puzzles.

Perhaps jump on a video call with friends and family and challenge yourself and one another. It’ll help the time pass quicker, too.

Make time to unwind

If your social media feeds are overwhelming you, log off and take some time to be peaceful.

For you this might mean meditation, reading, listening to your favourite playlist or podcast, or simply just sitting and enjoying the quiet. A warm bath might soak away the stresses of the day. However you choose to unwind, make your wellbeing a priority, and not an afterthought.

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Stay busy

Setting the right balance between busying yourself and taking the time to unwind can be a delicate one. Set yourself a goal to do the thing you’ve been putting off – decluttering the kitchen, putting up the shed or painting the spare room.

Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t manage it, but giving yourself new focus can be helpful. Setting goals to achieve things that you’ll enjoy, like completing a craft project or learning a new song on your chosen instrument, might be easier to face on the tough days.

Keep talking

While staying in touch with friends and family via messages and texts is a good way to connect, nothing beats talking face-to-face.

Thanks to tools like Zoom, it’s easier than ever to connect with our loved ones. If you find video calls daunting (maybe you’re worried you have nothing new to talk about) then plan your calls around something you can do together.

Set up a book club, watch your favourite soaps together or keep weekly quizzes going.

Samaritans have a new campaign to tackle the Blue Monday myth – Brew Monday is encouraging us to have a virtual cuppa and a chat. Being reminded that you’re not alone in your feelings can be really beneficial.

Tackle worries head-on

If you’re feeling down or worried about something one of the best things to do is to talk to someone. It doesn’t matter if it’s a trusted friend or a stranger from organisations such as Samaritans or Mind, opening up about your feelings can help.

Differentiating between a worry and a problem can help lighten your load. If you’re struggling with a problem, such as debt, free debt help companies like PayPlan can help you deal with your money worries head-on.

Make a plan to deal with your problems, and then do something you enjoy to take your mind off those stresses in the mean time.

Worries can’t be so easily dismissed, but acknowledging things you can’t change, and doing things that divert your attention from them, can be freeing.

Speak to your GP if you feel that you’re struggling to cope. Mind’s coronavirus information hub can also point you in the direction of support resources

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