September 20, 2024

BIG BROTHER EXIT INTERVIEW: Mitch lashes out at Big Brother after controversial eviction

Mitch #Mitch

Big Brother’s favourite bird watcher Mitch Spencer has been left fuming after the ‘unfair’ return of SJ and Mary from the Attic resulted in his shock eviction.

Mitch had formed an alliance with Danny, Nick and Mel, but the house dynamic was thrown into disarray when SJ and Mary re-entered the game from the attic.

“What’s the point of even playing? It was unfair, SJ had dug herself a grave, and we put her in it, and then Big Brother just scooped her out,” Mitch told following his eviction.

Mary and SJ in the attic, before causing drama. Mary and SJ in the attic, before causing drama. Credit: Seven

“If you screw up and make enemies, then you get voted out. You don’t just get thrown a bone so you can return.”

Mitch was also quick to accuse Big Brother of unfairly swaying the game in favour of one side of the house.

“I just don’t see how it’s fair really, the fact SJ and Mary were talking to Sid and Katie was insane; Big Brother just completely handed the other team an advantage for nothing.”

The 26-year-old was highly emotional following his exit, admitting the eviction had taken a toll.

Mitch was gutted when he evicted. Mitch was gutted when he evicted. Credit: Seven

“I was rattled after my eviction; I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat,” said Mitch.

“I’d been on rations for weeks, and when I got to the hotel, a producer said I could get UberEats, so I ordered a burrito and could barely touch it, I’d lost my appetite completely.”

Cage Rage

Earlier in the day, Mitch had found himself up for eviction alongside Sid and SJ after Tilly won her second nomination challenge in a row.

SJ, Mitch and Sid were up for eviction. SJ, Mitch and Sid were up for eviction. Credit: Seven

“Tilly thought I was the safe vote when she nominated me, but there is no such thing as a safe vote anymore, clearly, because I’m talking to you right now,” explained Mitch.

Things went from bad to worse for Mitch after Nick pressed the Big Red Button. Big Brother informed Nick that he had to pick one nominated housemate to spend the afternoon in a locked cage, hovering about the house.

“That cost me my spot in the game because I couldn’t scramble for votes,” said Mitch.

“I’ve talked to Nick a lot after the show, and he feels terrible. I have never been so anxious before, being up in that cage watching everyone talk about me, it was horrible.”

Mitch in his cage. Mitch in his cage. Credit: Seven

Despite being removed from the panic, Mitch was quietly confident his relationships in the house would keep him safe.

“I was tight with Danny, Mel and Nick, but I was also close with Christina and Sid,” said Mitch.

“But I had no idea they [Christina and Sid] were scheming behind my back, and I didn’t know they had an alliance with SJ and Mary or that Sid had been working with SJ and Mary in the attic.”

From Cupid to Stupid

The fact that Christina played a part in his eviction hurts twice as much after Mitch had developed feelings for the 22-year-old flight attendant.

“Christina was someone I was always within the house, we were always chatting, and a few people inside had told me that she liked me too.”

Big Brother sent Mitch and Christina on a ‘romantic’ date. Big Brother sent Mitch and Christina on a ‘romantic’ date. Credit: Seven

Earlier in the day, Big Brother played cupid, sending Mitch and Christina off to the Cave for a romantic dinner for two.

“I just wanted to sit down and have a chat with Christina without talking about the game, so it was nice when Big Brother threw me that bone,” said Mitch.

Christina and Mitch. Christina and Mitch. Credit: Seven

While the sparks didn’t fly, Mitch was still left hurt and confused when Christina helped engineer his downfall.

“We’ve spoken a little bit since the show has finished, but I just felt so stupid afterwards, like I’d been outplayed.”

Big Trouble, Little Alliance

With Mitch turfed from the game, the power dynamic in the house has shifted. Katie, Maley and Jess are in control while Danny’s future looks shaky.

Danny does a deal. Danny does a deal. Credit: Seven

“Danny’s whole game plan is screwed. I think Nick and Mel and Danny are in big trouble,” said Mitch.

Nick and Danny’s alliance is looking shaky. Nick and Danny’s alliance is looking shaky. Credit: Seven

“They’ll need to win challenges; otherwise, they’ll just get picked off one by one.

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Big Brother continues Monday, 7:30 pm on Seven.

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