January 12, 2025

Biden’s transgender crusade

Transgender #Transgender

President Joe Biden speaks during a bill signing ceremony for the Respect for Marriage Act, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington. © Provided by Washington Examiner President Joe Biden speaks during a bill signing ceremony for the Respect for Marriage Act, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington.

Even though a tiny percentage of the U.S. population identifies as transgender, supporting transgender issues has become Democrats’ cause du jour. Now, questioning any part of transgender ideology is to somehow deny basic human rights. Of course, this is nonsense, but it doesn’t keep the loudest activists from trying to name and shame others. It’s even worse when the president of the United States does it.


Before signing the Respect for Marriage Act at the White House on Tuesday, President Joe Biden gave a speech praising the law. He said, in part: “We must stop the hate and violence like we just saw in Colorado Springs, where a place of acceptance and celebration was targeted for violence and terror … We need to challenge the hundreds of callous and cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need … Folks, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia — they’re all connected.”

Biden’s language painted an entire, rather significant segment of the population as adherents to every kind of “ism” and “phobia” possible. This type of exhausting, hyperbolic dialogue would fit right in on social media. That they were claims shared on the very public, supposedly unifying steps of the White House should be disturbing.

The president’s words were meant to persuade listeners into believing anyone standing opposite the Respect for Marriage Act or transgender ideology at large must support terrifying others through actual force or verbal threats. How convenient to mention Colorado Springs, where one sick person targeted innocent people. According to lawyers, the shooter identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. And no matter how much Democrats may try to paint it this way, that person does not represent conservatives or Republicans. Disagreeing with any part of the LGBT community doesn’t mean one wishes to harm them physically. That is nothing but baseless fearmongering.

Protecting children should be a collective goal of society. We should question whether hormone therapy or “gender reassignment” surgery is appropriate for children. Minors should not be encouraged to give in to every whim or pressure from friends or culture. Disrupting or altering the natural processes of a male or female body during puberty has long-lasting physical and mental effects. It is unethical not to bring up concerns. But Biden believes those who do so are not only the bad guys but are, by extension, racists, antisemites, homophobes, and transphobes.

It does no good to brand everyone you disagree with as the worst kind of bigot. In his statements, Biden was more than eager to say opposition to minors transitioning and their enthusiastic surgeons is not only wrong but is indicative of a larger internal problem. That is as backward as it can get.

The claims in Biden’s speech are further proof of the uphill battle we face in our culture. Protecting children and not using them as pawns in a political game is of the utmost importance. It’s not surprising that Biden seems uninterested in doing this or that he views critics of it in the worst possible light. All of this from a supposed unifier. If anything, it’s clear that Biden and his administration are determined to divide the public even more while painting conservatives as a hateful cohort that want children to suffer.


Kimberly Ross (@SouthernKeeks) is a contributor to the Washington Examiner’s Beltway Confidential blog and a columnist at Arc Digital.


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Tags: Opinion, Beltway Confidential, Blog Contributors, Transgender Issues, Opinion

Original Author: Kimberly Ross

Original Location: Biden’s transgender crusade

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