February 5, 2025

Biden administration seeks to deport home-schooling family while border crisis rages

Deport #Deport

Legacy media outlets have largely ignored the story of the family from Germany facing deportation from the United States, likely because they are Christian home-schoolers.

The story is rich with irony because the Biden administration has opened the U.S. border to millions upon millions of people. They’ve entered the country illegally, bringing drugs , gangs, terrorists, diseases, child sex slaves, and who knows what else.


Yet here’s a family that followed all the rules, came to the U.S. legally, and lived here for 15 years. And the same government that has turned our southern border into a sieve is kicking them out.

It’s an important story, to be sure, for exposing the incompetence and dereliction of the people now running the country. But there’s another equally pernicious side of this story that is not getting the attention it deserves.

This is a family of home-schoolers, and they are Christian.

To our teachers unions, the combination could not be worse. Unions have long opposed home-schooling, or any alternative to the public schools, because it means the unions’ funding is threatened. And it reduces union control of the youngsters, whom teachers intend to mold into compliant pro-union automatons.

Home-schooling and Christianity are sensitive angles because they directly oppose the pillars of the globalists and socialists who populate our government.

One socialist pillar is governmental control of your children. This is why the unions support don’t-tell laws in transgender cases. The unions also support the extreme Left in its efforts to push transgender ideology, curricula that are so pornographic we’ve dubbed it “SeXXX-Ed,” and politicized curricula that stress racism, class warfare, and opposition to capitalism.

The other socialist pillar is disdain for religion. Going back decades, governments at all levels have taken aim at Christianity, banning prayer in public fora, cleansing faith from school customs and curriculum, and sending other clear signals of hostility.

The parents in this family moved here because German law, except in rare instances, prohibits home-schooling, and the family felt the public school curriculum conflicted with their Christian beliefs. The German school system, like ours, is perfectly capable of indoctrinating children in anti-religious thought.

The parents applied for and were granted asylum for religious freedom, but the Obama administration, naturally, moved to oppose them. Eventually, the family’s asylum status was revoked.

The people who first came to these shores were what today would be denounced as religious zealots, so devout and so resistant to government coercion that they risked everything, their lives and fortunes, to sail the Atlantic and start a new life free of religious persecution.

It’s a poignant note that today, our government is going out of its way to send people back to a place where the discrimination has been nationalized.


This is a sad story for not only this family but for this country, too.

The soul of America, its “flyover country” people, welcomes those who are yearning to be free. But we’re governed by people who are only committed to that ideal when it’s politically convenient.

Roger Ruvolo is a longtime newspaper editor and a new contributor to For Kids & Country.

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