September 22, 2024

Benny Hill chase music played during live TV segment outside Parliament – and Hugh Grant was behind it

Benny Hill #BennyHill

There’s been no shortage of satirical spins and jokes being fired Boris Johnson’s way amid the news of his imminent resignation as Prime Minister, with music blaring outside Parliament thanks to activist Steven Bray.

As ministerial resignations continued to be announced this morning, the Brexit protester played the iconic Benny Hill chase music loud enough to be heard on TV while reporters delivered live news segments.

It turns out that inspired choice of music was down to Hugh Grant, after the Notting Hill actor requested it specifically.

This morning, Hugh tweeted Steven, a week after his speakers were confiscated under a new law that aims to cut down on ‘noisy’ protests.

‘Morning @snb19692 Glad you have your speakers back. Do you by any chance have the Benny Hill music to hand?’ the Four Weddings and a Funeral star asked.

Ask and you shall receive… which Hugh did, when Steven granted his request.

It was Hugh’s inspired thinking that led to the song being played (Picture: Sky News/Getty Images)

Steven later confirmed that the music was played thanks to Hugh’s plea, writing on Twitter: ‘Just for @HackedOffHugh as requested here today at the media circus… College Green. The Benny Hill theme tune.’

Numerous people online have found that choice of music both hilarious and apt, with one tweeting in response to the clip: ‘This sums up the last 48 hours of UK politics!’

‘This is I assume a complete normal British broadcast,’ one person questioned, as another remarked: ‘Crying with laughter.’

‘Doesn’t happen very often these days, but it’s childish moments like this where I feel proud to be British,’ someone else quipped.

Several people also praised Hugh for the idea, with one replying to his original tweet: ‘When was it you became a legend?’ as another added: ‘Can u be prime minister for real? [sic].’

As well as Sky News, circus music also made it into the background of a news report on BBC News, with the journalist soldiering on amid the background tune.

Several celebrities have spoken out over the latest update regarding the Prime Minister’s upcoming statement, with former Pointless host Richard Osman speculating: ‘I imagine his resignation speech will be sober and classy.’

Mr Johnson is delivering an address to the nation today (Picture: Julian Simmonds – WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker referenced his own sci-fi show by writing: ‘Got a horrible inkling that any moment now Johnson’s going to reload a previous save and we’ll have to do the past six weeks again.’

Meanwhile, Piers Morgan said that he finds it ‘preposterous’ that the Prime Minister reportedly wants to maintain his position until October, in the meantime before a new Tory leader is announced.

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MORE: Richard Osman jokes Boris Johnson’s resignation speech will be ‘sober and classy’ as celebrities celebrate PM’s impending exit

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