January 1, 2025

Bell: Kenney’s COVID-19 slap in the face to Albertans

Albertans #Albertans

You tell us other United Conservative politicians, political staff and senior government officials travelled abroad in recent weeks.

You tell us when it comes to the virus, air travel is safer than going to the grocery store.

Besides, you say, Allard was working while in the Aloha State. It’s true her people had her up on social media next to a Christmas tree at the legislature while she was much closer to Honolulu than to High River.

The miracle of technology!

You say you should’ve told your people not to travel outside the country and you’re telling them now as holidays are ending.

They needed telling? Really. Don’t treat us as dummies, premier.

This Kenney government has a serious problem. They have forgotten why they were elected. They ran as populists, a government of the people. There is precious little evidence of that on this day.

Where is it gone? Was it ever there? Was it just a shtick to get into power?

That’s a real live question when the latest stench reeks to high heaven, a flashback to a time when words like cronyism and corruption were very much the diet of this province’s politics.

Aloha Allard doesn’t really even try to throw herself on the mercy of the court of public opinion.

She does the minimum. She says sorry for her “wrong decision.”

Aloha Allard says her family has spent most of the last 17 Christmases in Hawaii. It’s a family tradition, don’t you know.

But how could she think of going to Hawaii when most of us are near locked-down? Why isn’t she resigning?

No good answers.

Allard says brighter days are ahead. She keeps her job. After all, if Kenney cans Allard he probably has to bounce his chief of staff Huckabay.

On this shameful day, Allard speaks over the phone. No video.

Too bad. Can’t tell if she got a tan.


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