September 21, 2024

Bannon Suggests Trump Should Behead Fauci And Wray In Second Term

Bannon #Bannon

Despite President Trump’s chances of an election victory continuing to shrink, his former chief strategist Steve Bannon has ideas for the President’s second term — gruesome and violent ideas, that is, for Dr. Anthony Fauci and FBI director Christopher Wray.

During his show “War Room Pandemic” on Thursday, Bannon envisioned Trump starting his second presidential term by firing both Fauci and Wray.

While the White House has continued launching efforts to discredit Fauci — which include Trump baselessly accusing the White House coronavirus task force member of being a Democrat as the nation’s top infectious disease expert issues dire warnings on surging COVID-19 cases — Wray is reportedly on Trump’s purge list if he wins re-election. The President has privately fumed over Wray for supposedly being a tool of a “deep state.”

Bannon praised his old boss for being a “kind-hearted” and “good” man, before spouting his vision of the firing of Fauci and Wray in a second-term Trump presidency, which he described as harkening “back to the old times of Tudor England”

“I’d put the heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats,” Bannon said. “You either get with the program or you’re gone — time to stop playing games.”

After Bannon demanded that Trump “blow it all up” and place former acting DNI Ric Grenell “as the interim head of the FBI” — a move that Bannon said will “light them up” — co-host Jack Maxey jumped in to back up Bannon’s gruesome suggestions for Fauci and Wray’s fate.

Maxey noted the recent anniversary of “the hanging of two Tories in Philadelphia” that the country “used to do to traitors.”

“These were Quaker businessmen who had cohabitated, if you will, with the British while they were occupying Philadelphia,” Maxey said. “These people were hung.”

Bannon quickly pounced on Maxey’s remark by saying “that’s how you win the revolution.”

“No one wants to talk about it,” Bannon said. “The revolution wasn’t some sort of garden party, it was a civil war. It was a civil war.”

Bannon’s remarks on his program appear to be an escalation of his comments during an interview on Fox Business Network earlier Thursday, when he nonsensically declared that the President has already “won an overwhelming victory” and urged Trump to “start acting right now in his second term.”

“He should fire the FBI director, he should put in process the implement to fire Fauci,” Bannon told Fox Business.” He should start manning up for his second term with guys like Ric Grenell.”

Watch Bannon’s remarks below, via Media Matters:

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