September 20, 2024

Australian politics live: inquiry into who knew what and when about Brittany Higgins allegations on hold

Gaetjens #Gaetjens

It is quite difficult to explain because he’s the Prime Minister, asked directly about the inquiry with multiple opportunities to present relevant information to the parliament, and choosing not to do so.

I think it goes to the issue that women are so angry about, these are serious issues, they deserve a serious response, they ought not be treated as a new political problem to be smoothed away.

I think the list that Australian women could accept from the prime minister on this question in this week in particular, is transparency.

I do not think he has met that test. So what happens now? It is really up to the

Prime Minister to explain his decision to withhold this information, from the parliament, but more importantly to withhold it from the Australian people and from Australian women.

If he knew that the investigation had been paused, why did he not explain that. Why not just be upfront about it? It is consistent with an overall pattern of not dealing with the issues that have been put before him seriously, dealing with the substance of them.

This is not a political game, this is a serious issue that people are looking for answers and transparency.

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