Australia will be central to discovery of alien life, says deputy Labor leader
Richard Marles #RichardMarles

He will use his first major speech in the role to warn that Australia, despite its long history of scientific achievement, is no longer the centre of innovation and the gap with the “cutting edge of modernity is growing”.
“While commercialising science is critical, this will only be possible if we are developing the scientists of the future,” Mr Marles will say. “And that means we have to do better at encouraging our kids and young adults to pursue studies in STEM.”
Australia’s new Chief Scientist Cathy Foley said in her first keynote speech last week that four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — were “currency in the new economy”.
Dr Foley said she plans to make the education of children one of her foundational goals.
“On the sheer numbers, and on performance, we are failing our kids, and so failing their future,” Mr Marles will say.
“When these rankings are released, we all talk about them for a few days, tut-tut over them, and then we move on. Can you imagine what would happen if Australia finished 24th at the Olympics?
“Why are we not similarly upset about our performance in maths and science?”
He says innovation did not need to focus on “white lab coats” and can be centred around advanced manufacturing.
“Blue-collar trade jobs are skilled-jobs. They are well-paid jobs. And they are essential jobs for our future,” he will say.
“We needed them in the traditional manufacturing industries, and we will need them for advanced manufacturing. We need to add value right along the supply chain and right along the skills spectrum.”