December 27, 2024

ARMYs gear up for BTS Jin’s upcoming birthday celebrations

seokjin #seokjin

ARMYs have long since hailed birthdays of all their boys from Suga to V, Jimin etc and with Jin’s big day coming up, the fandom has epic ads planned for the birthday boy.

To make this day even more memorable, the Kim Seok Jin Team’s ARMYs purchased TV commercial that will allow them to see glimpses of the boys throughout the day. They are said to highlight two key phrases, including “Happy Seokjin Day” and “Happy Jin Day.”

That is not all, other fans from across the globe have even purchased ads themselves and have lined them up to play all throughout the day.

One ad was even made specifically to play on YouTube from November 27th to December 4th.

If that was not enough, magazine spreads have also been dedicated to Jin in Vogue Korea and Harper’s Bazaar.

With all these plans in place, it appears this is the year BTS’s Jin will never forget.

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