January 12, 2025

Arkansas Department of Transportation and county officials’ road plans for Tuesday and Wednesday

Jacob Murphy #JacobMurphy

ardot truck © 40/29 News ardot truck

Road crews have plans to plow Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

“The real crunch time is from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. is what I’ve been saying, ” Dave Parker with the Arkansas Department of Transportation, said. “If you can, stay off the roads tonight.”

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ARDOT workers spent Monday and Tuesday pretreating the roads.

“We feel like some of the salt drine did take effect and will bond with the roadway and help us a bit,” Parker said.

“It’s going to be a long night of slow plowing” Parker said.

Benton County crews decided to wait until 3:30 a.m. Wednesday to start plowing the roads. They did not pretreat.

“Due to the predicted, forecasted heavy rain it’s just going to wash off as far as we could tell,” Melody Kwok, county spokesperson said.

READ THE FULL STORY:ARDOT & county road crews’ plans for tonight and tomorrow

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