Antifa should be labeled what it is — a hate group
Antifa #Antifa

In June 2020, the Southern Poverty Law Center posted an article entitled, “Designating Antifa as domestic terrorist organization is dangerous, threatens civil liberties.”
The organization that supposedly tracks extremism in America dismissed the idea that Antifa was a threat to anyone.
The “anti-fascists” are “broad, community-based” and “represent a large spectrum of the political left.” “Individuals loosely affiliated with Antifa are typically involved in skirmishes and property crimes at demonstrations across the country,” the article hand waves.
“But the threat of lethal violence pales in comparison to that posed by far-right extremists.”
Will the SPLC change its tune now that 23 members of Antifa were arrested as domestic terrorists for violently attacking a police facility outside Atlanta?
Or note that fact that one of SPLC’s own lawyers, Thomas Webb Jurgens, 28, is among the arrested?
© Provided by New York Post Police in Atlanta arrested 23 Antifa members as domestic terrorists for attacking a police facility. Atlanta PD
Fat chance. Founded in 1971, the SPLC was once a respected organization, cited by the media for its work, particularly against the Ku Klux Klan.
But it has lost its moral standing by repeatedly refusing to call out political violence on the left.
see also © Provided by New York Post editorial ‘Catholic extremist’ dossier shows FBI still horribly politicized
The SPLC sees a Proud Boy under every bed, but acts like Antifa months-long attacks on a courthouse in Portland are justified.
You’re not a “hate group” if you hate cops!
They even target journalists that cover Antifa, slandering Post contributor Andy Ngo as a “provocateur” because he accurately reports on their activities.
In the Georgia incident, Antifa targeted “Cop City,” a training facility under construction outside Atlanta.
The black-masked group of professional anarchists threw rocks and Molotov cocktails, setting fire to construction equipment — an attack that followed months of confrontations with authorities.
Yet the SPLC, the liberal media and yes, even Attorney General Merrick Garland pretend like Antifa doesn’t exist.
© Provided by New York Post One of SPLC’s own lawyers, Thomas Webb Jurgens, was among the arrested.AP
After all, Garland is too busy targeting school board parents.
Shockingly, the feds and press continue to treat SPLC as a neutral arbiter when it’s anything but.
The FBI even listened when SPLC claimed some Catholic groups were “extremist” because they used a Latin Mass!
This whole farce undermines the credibility of law enforcement and watchdog groups like the SPLC.
Americans see the burning cop cars and Antifa soldiers on their television and wonder what the consequences are.
This is extremist political violence, pure and simple.
Treat it as such.