October 5, 2024

Andrew Bolt slams PM’s $350m Pacific climate commitment as another ‘global warming sting’

Bolt #Bolt

Andrew Bolt has slammed Anthony Albanese’s decision to commit $350 million to the Pacific Climate Infrastructure Financing Partnership, saying the Prime Minister has just fallen for another “global warming sting” as he attends the Pacific Islands Forum.

“He flew on another junket this time to the Pacific Islands Forum with our credit card and today slapped on another $350 million to give to Pacific countries for, you guessed it, global warming,” Bolt said.

The Prime Minister said in a media conference the reception Australia had received had been “extremely positive”.

“’Extremely positively received’ – well that tends to happen when you dump a whole bunch of money in the laps of Pacific leaders – they would like it,” Bolt said.

“Money that comes from Australian taxpayers – some of whom are struggling to put food on their own table back here at home.”

‘Eclipsed even ISIS’: Scott Morrison says Hamas’ attack was the ‘most heinous of crimes’

Former prime minister Scott Morrison says the “evil” which occurred on October 7 launched by Hamas “eclipsed even ISIS”.

Mr Morrison sat down with Sky News host Andrew Bolt as part of a wide-ranging interview on Sky News Australia.

This comes after Mr Morrison and former British prime minister Boris Johnson went to Israel and toured a village attacked by Hamas in early October while also getting meet military personnel.

“The premeditation of the planning of the atrocities that were committed on over 1,400 innocent Israelis, including babies,” Mr Morrison told Mr Bolt.

“This was the most heinous of crimes, and what was most chilling as I was listening to accounts and being shown where these things took place was the premeditation.”

Staff claim ABC’s coverage is too pro-Israel

More than 200 ABC staff held a mass meeting about the broadcaster’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas war.

Staff members criticised the network for being too “pro-Israel”.

Former Labor MP Michael Danby argued it revealed a lot about the inner workings of the network.

“It just shows you what’s happening elsewhere in ABC 24 and in radio national, and in all of the corners where these people hide on our taxpayer’s money,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

The conflict began when Palestinian militant group Hamas launched an attack on Israel on October 7.

Government’s ‘overwhelming push’ for a digital society slammed after Optus debacle

Sky News contributor Evelyn Rae says the Optus outage on Wednesday demonstrates how “vulnerable” Australia would be by centralising our information on the internet.

“Regardless of whatever happened and the cause behind it, there’s a really important lesson … the overwhelming push from our government and elites to move from the physical world to the digital world,” Ms Rae told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

Many using the telco were left without a way to take cashless transactions when the network was down.

Phone lines were also down, leaving over 400,000 businesses impacted by the outage.

Ms Rae sat down with Mr Bolt and Sky News host James Macpherson to discuss Wednesday’s Optus outage.

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