September 22, 2024

‘America First’ Caucus to Protect ‘Anglo-Saxon Traditions’ Sparks Wave of Memes, Jokes

Anglo-Saxon #Anglo-Saxon

a close up of a person: Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene on Capitol Hill on February 5, 2021 in Washington, DC. She is among some GOP lawmakers looking to launch an "America First Caucus." © Alex Edelman Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene on Capitol Hill on February 5, 2021 in Washington, DC. She is among some GOP lawmakers looking to launch an “America First Caucus.”

Twitter users have poked fun at the aspirations of a group of ultraconservative House Republicans looking to launch a caucus that aimed to protect “Anglo-Saxon political traditions.”

A seven-page document outlining the vision of the proposed “America First Caucus” has been criticized as promoting nativist ideas, as it warns that mass immigration was putting the “unique identity” of the U.S. at risk.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) told journalists that he was considering joining the congressional caucus, which would give a forum for like-minded lawmakers to pursue shared political objectives.

He also confirmed that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia lawmaker who has been criticized for spreading conspiracy theories, was also involved, NBC News reported.

The document, first reported by Punchbowl News, outlined a vision which included working “towards an infrastructure that reflects the architectural, engineering and aesthetic value that befits the progeny of European architecture.”

Who Is Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?






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    It also said that “America is a nation with a border, and a culture, strengthened by a common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions.”

    It was the reference to the settlers who migrated to Britain from mainland Europe from the fifth century that inspired many to mockery.

    Journalist Jamelle Bouie tweeted an image of a version of a village from over a millennium ago, adding the message, “all new buildings must respect our Anglo-Saxon heritage.”

    Author and journalist John Ganz jokingly wondered if ancient funeral rites would be restored, sharing an image of an Anglo-Saxon burial mound, with the message, “preserve Anglo-Saxon architecture.”

    Writer and editor Matthew Yglesias tweeted a picture of the kind of fare that would not have looked out of place in medieval Britain, with the message, “Anglo-Saxon heritage.”

    Journalist Astead Wesley tweeted a more modern image, that of a branch of the Old Country Buffet chain, with the message: “u must RESPECT Anglo Saxon traditions and architecture.”

    Meanwhile, another user, with the handle “Taking Maga to the next level,” wrote whether the caucus should draw inspiration from even further back in time, writing, “Do the Trinovantes get a caucus too??” referring to Celtic tribe of pre-Roman Britain.

    “I mean, if we’re gonna celebrate REAL English heritage, why go with the Johnny-come-lately Anglo-Saxons??” Another user tweeted: “Anglo-Saxons had kings and queens. Are these folks asking to reverse the revolution?”

    The caucus’ platform comes amid a fight for the future of the GOP following the presidency of Donald Trump, who pushed “the “America First” slogan. The document says that the caucus wants to “follow in President Trump’s footsteps, and potentially step on some toes and sacrifice sacred cows for the good of the American nation.”

    However, many have condemned the caucus as racist. Democrats such as Representative Peter Welch (D-VT) tweeted that it represents a “dangerous nativist perspective that hurts our country, but sadly is not surprising.”

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