January 27, 2025

All the big news and trailers from the 2022 Capcom Showcase

Capcom #Capcom

Capcom hosted its own gaming Showcase earlier today, chock full of fresh news and trailers for its upcoming games. It started off with Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, showcasing some of the new monsters coming to the expansion. Of course, we also got more on the recently, and officially, revealed Resident Evil 4 remake.

On that note, let’s chat Capcom.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak trailer

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is heading to release later this month, and Capcom dropped a new gameplay trailer during its showcase. As per the usual, we see hunters hunting mons’, dodging, smacking, and more. Sunbreak is bringing all kinds of new and nasty beasties to tackle. So, fans of shaving off monster hides for underwear should take note. There will be a new demo coming as well on June 14. There, you’ll get your chance to fight against Astalos. Sunbreak launches for PC on June 30.

Beyond the new trailer, title updates have been revealed for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Title Update 1 brings a new monster, Luscent Nargacuga, and it’s coming in August. The second update is coming in fall, while the third heads our way in the winter.

Capcom Showcase 2022 Trailers News Monster Hunter Updates Exoprimal

Exoprimal, the game that shattered everyone’s dream of a new Dino Crisis, got a new trailer at the 2022 Capcom Showcase. Narrated by an AI named Leviathan, the trailer explains some of the story of this upcoming multiplayer shooter. We’re introduced to classes, enemies, and the environments of Exoprimal. It’s an odd duck for a Capcom game, to be sure. But it does look interesting, and the opportunity to fight an “unstoppable raptor horde,” which is your more modern Zerg rush, looks exciting.

Capcom also went over game modes, such as Dino Survival, where “two squads of five race” to complete in-game objectives. These can be ‘Dinosaur Cull,’ where your team must kill a certain dino. A closed network test is also coming, and interested players need only head to the game’s website. Exoprimal is coming to PC via Steam in 2023.

Dragon’s Dogma

HOLY CRAP it’s a… 10-year anniversary video for the game coming later this week on June 16. Oh, wow. I guess that’s fine. Fans were probably hoping to hear Capcom commit to making more games in the series, though.

Capcom Showcase Resident Evil Exoprimal Monster Hunter News Trailers 3

Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil Village has sold more than 6 million copies worldwide, and to celebrate, Capcom is releasing story DLC starring Ethan’s daughter, Rose. Shadow of Rose takes place 16 years after the story of Village wrapped up. Based on the trailer, it looks more psychological than action oriented.

The Additional Orders update is heading to The Mercenaries mode with new characters, and Village will soon get a third-person camera mode. It’s all coming as DLC, and will be wrapped up in the Winters’ Expansion, and is part of Resident Evil Village Gold Edition. Finally, Re:Verse will launch on October 28.

Resident Evil 2, 3, and 7 are getting next-gen updates for modern consoles. Said updates include higher framerate, 3D audio, and ray tracing. It’s believed that the updates are also coming to the PC versions (sans framerate, because you know why) soon.

Resident Evil 4 remake

Just about everyone tuned into the 2022 Capcom Showcase for another trailer or closer look at the Resident Evil 4 remake. And that’s what we got. Sort of. We get a closer look at protagonist Leon S. Kennedy, who’s looking a bit haggard compared to his original design. Capcom stated that RE4 remake is a “reimagining” of the original game. The story is still roughly the same: Leon, at the behest of the US president, travels to a Spanish village to find Ashley, the kidnapped daughter of said president. Hijinks ensue, and soon Leon is swept up in a whirlwind of action, fighting against a deadly cult while being forced to listen to Jack Krauser talk. Poor guy.

We got a quick glimpse of new gameplay for Resident Evil 4. It’s remarkably brief, and is clearly far darker than the original game. This can be good for those who enjoyed the remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3. However, I’m hoping it doesn’t stray too far from the original’s corniness and dry humor. But I have a feeling it probably will. Still, I’m looking forward to seeing more. It’s not like I really need an excuse to play Resident Evil 4 for the umpteenth time. It’s one of my favorite games of all time, so I’ll be there, campy jokes or otherwise.

And that’s a wrap on all the major trailers and news of the 2022 Capcom Showcase. It’s about what we expected, though I could have seen more Resident Evil 4. Capcom will provide more updates on these games in the near future, so keep an eye out. Check out the entire showcase by clicking on this link.

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