September 22, 2024

‘Accidents sometimes happen at sea’: Defence Secretary Grant Shapps denies incompetence was behind collision between two Royal Navy warships in the Gulf

Grant Shapps #GrantShapps

Grant Shapps has denied incompetence was behind an embarrassing collision between two Royal Navy warships in the Gulf.

Footage released online yesterday showed HMS Chiddingfold reversing into the docked HMS Bangor at a port in Bahrain. 

The accident ripped a huge hole in the hull of the minehunter, which is constructed of glass reinforced plastic. There was internal damage but no injuries to the crew.

Navy sources suggested there was no timeline yet for when the vessel can return to frontline duties.

On a media round today Mr Shapps said something ‘clearly’ went wrong, but denied it was incompetence.

He told Sky News’ Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips: ‘Just as in aviation or many other walks of life sometimes accidents and incidents happen, there’s a full investigation under way.’

On a media round today Mr Shapps said something ‘clearly’ went wrong, but denied it was incompetence.

Navy sources suggested there was no timeline yet for when the vessel can return to frontline duties

The accident ripped a huge hole in the hull, which is constructed of glass reinforced plastic (pictured)

The ship plays an important role in ensuring the security of the UK and global trade routes. Pictured, damage aboard HMS Bangor after the crash

Asked if it was incompetence, Mr Shapps added: ‘We don’t say it’s incompetence when we see an aircraft come down, a very rare occasion just as this would be a rare occasion, it’s right to leave the investigators some time to work out exactly what’s gone wrong.

‘Something clearly did and we need to see what it is.’

The two minehunters had been based in the Middle East to ensure the safe flow of trade through the waters.

Rear Admiral Edward Ahlgren said: ‘Why this happened is still to be established.

‘We train our people to the highest standards and rigorously enforce machinery safety standards, but unfortunately incidents of this nature can still happen.

‘I assure you that a full and thorough investigation is already under way and any changes in procedure that could prevent further incidents will be rapidly implemented.

‘In the meantime the UK will continue to play a key part in ensuring the safety of merchant shipping in the region.’

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