October 6, 2024

‘A great day for innocent babies’: Texas leaders react to leaked SCOTUS opinion on Roe v. Wade


Politico reported Monday evening that the Supreme Court had voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to a leaked initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito. The document, labeled as the “Opinion of the Court” calls for Roe to be overruled, stating, “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

The Supreme Court on Tuesday confirmed that the draft opinion revealed by Politico is authentic but not final. Chief Justice John G. Roberts called for an investigation into the leak, stating, “To the extent this betrayal of the confidences of the Court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations, it will not succeed. The work of the Court will not be affected in any way.”

President Joe Biden issued a statement Tuesday calling for pro-choice support from legislators and voters in coming elections. “We need more pro-choice Senators and a pro-choice majority in the House to adopt legislation that codifies Roe, which I will work to pass and sign into law,” Biden wrote, adding that a woman’s right to an abortion is “fundamental.”

“If the Court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose,” Biden continued. “And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November.”

A number of Texas leaders erred on the side of caution by not releasing any statements until the opinion was deemed true, others took to social media shortly after the leak to weigh in. Notably missing from the conversation was Gov. Greg Abbott, who as of Tuesday morning had not released a statement on the draft opinion via social media or his website. 

U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston) blamed former President Donald Trump for the alleged decision, saying the Supreme Court under his leadership “finally got their wish by violating precedent and destroying decades of privacy rights for women under the ninth amendment.”

“This political court has done what many of the justices said in their confirmation hearings would not be done,” Jackson wrote in a statement on Twitter. “It is time for women’s rights to privacy to again be uplifted by the United States Congress and the White House immediately!”

State Rep. Gene Wu (D-Houston) warned of the possibility of other rights being stripped following the overturning of Roe. “The right to abortion is deeply tied to ideas of PRIVACY and autonomy in private decisions of the family,” Wu wrote. “If there’s no privacy protection for abortion, then many other private decisions may be up for public regulation. You’ve been warned.”

Houston City Councilwoman Abbie Kamin wrote that if true, “it will be one of the darkest days in US history with implications for autonomy over our bodies, and our religious freedoms, that are devastating.”

State Rep. Gina Hinojosa (D-Austin), disappointed with the decision, said that a woman’s right to her body is a fundamental human right and constitutional right. “The U.S. Supreme Court’s failure to recognize this is a failure to recognize the full human dignity of women, full citizens entitled to equal rights under the law,” Hinojosa wrote on Twitter. 

Others called for Texans to take action against the supposed Supreme Court ruling. State Rep. Celia Israel (D-Austin) vowed to “fight like hell,” writing, “As the Supreme Court tries to control women and our bodies, women and those who truly respect us must vote like hell this fall.”

Julian Castro “50 years of precedent—struck down by a radicalized right-wing Supreme Court packed by an authoritarian president,” Castro tweeted. “This should be a wake up call to every American voter. Our democracy and the fundamental rights that come with it are on the ballot in 2022. Vote!”

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke urged voters to elect him in order to protect women’s rights to an abortion. “Every woman deserves the freedom to make their own decisions about their body, health care, and future,” the former El Paso congressman wrote on Twitter. 

State Rep. James Talarico (D-Round Rock) announced that in light of the leaked opinion, he donated $10,000 to O’Rourke’s campaign and another $10,000 to political action committee Annie’s List. He called for others to donate as well, saying “we all have to put our money where our mouth is.” State Rep. Jasmine Crocket (D-Dallas) called for the Supreme Court to be expanded and for Roe to be “codified.”

Across the aisle, Republicans celebrated the opinion as a victory for the pro-life movement. Sen. Ted Cruz said he was “appalled by the shocking breach of trust” from the leak and claimed it was an attempt to intimidate the court through public pressure. However, “If this report is true,” Cruz wrote,” this is nothing short of a massive victory for life and will save the lives of millions of innocent babies.”

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick called Tuesday “a great day for life” if the draft opinion is accurate. “If the leaked draft is indeed accurate, it is a great day for innocent babies in the womb,” Patrick said. “They will finally be safe in Texas and other Republican states. Prayerfully, in time, all states will protect them.”

Attorney General Ken Paxton said that he hopes the Supreme Court returns the question of abortion to states. “This is why I led a 24-state coalition in support of MS’s law banning them after 15 wks,” Paxton tweeted. “I’ll [continue] to ensure that TX protects the unborn & pray for the end of abortion across our nation.”

State Rep. Jared Patterson (R-Frisco) simply tweeted, “We are the prolife generation!” On Monday, Rep. Matt Schaefer (R-Tyler) wrote “To God be the glory,” and on Tuesday followed up with calling Alito’s opinion “pure gold.”

State Rep. Shelby Slawson (R-Stephenville) pointed out that upon the Supreme Court overturning Roe, a trigger ban will take effect in the Lone Star State. “Praying this draft becomes a strong final opinion & Texas once again protects all unborn LIFE!” Slawson tweeted.

State Rep. Tan Parker (R-Flower Mound) claimed that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and that its overturn was past due. State Rep. Jeff Leach (R-Plano) wrote that he hopes Christians would “rise to the moment” in “standing for innocent life.”

State Rep. Matt Krause (R-Fort Worth) said that the leaked internal opinion shows that it’s likely the court decision will be overturned, writing, “Roe v Wade seems poised to be placed on the ash heap of history – where it belongs!”

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